Jan 22, 2005 22:51
today started out fine untill Sarah canme along and fucked up my hole day.. n made my day turn from a normal day into a shitty ass day...
i woke up n shoveld snow n made 40 dollas and then steph came over a lil later and we faught the hole day kuz i treat her like shit and im sucha asshole and everyting. after about 2 hours we started talking then we sat around n faught n argued and didnt do too much today n then i droped her off n went to my hockey camp, after hockey camp i called to talk to my baby then we argued about shit and thats bout it
this is probably one of the wost days... gettiong blamed for cheating on her n i didnt do shit and SHE WONT FUCKING BELIEVE ME KUZ SHE DONT FUCKIN TRUST ME!!! >:O
but w.e