family shamily

Dec 17, 2006 15:08

I figure I will post this here, since no one reads livejournal anymore.

Warning: this could get deep and meaningful, so read at your own risk of hearing genuine, true feeling.

So break has been pretty fun so far, even though I'm not technically on break till after my final Monday morning. Thursday Tracy and I went to the mall to go gift shopping. I spent way too much money and got suckered into something for myself, as did Tracy. SOOOo funny though. I'm pretty excited to ang it up, but I have to wait till my mom opens hers. Thursday night I hung out with Liz, and we went on a hunt for dessert. It was unsuccessful, so we ended up getting food from bamboo at 10:00 at night. It was great though lol. We walked into Famous Daves, looked at the menu and left. Then we walked into Olive Garden, sat down, looked at the menu and relized it sucked, so we left there too. I guess it was more funny if you were us walking out of places like that. Then we went hot tubbing and watched some TV. It was a good start to my "break." Then Friday Lyndsay came over, and we hung out and watched some TV and took some pictures. Then we went to see The Pursuit of Happyness. It was really cute. Sad, but cute nonetheless. Then I worked. Work was fun. Then Corey and I went to White Castle and such. Then Saturday I did nothing until work at 6. Work was really funny though. I was in a good mood, so everything was good! Some funny things were being said while we were doing closing chores hahaha. Actually, closing was just really way too much fun and wayyy too funny.

Actually, typing that cheered me up. I was going to write about how much family makes me want to cry, but I think I fixate on the bad too much. I'm just sick of my mom choosing Greg over me. He can be such an asshole, yet I am always the asshole in her eyes. I wish she wasn't so damn blinded by him. And if I were to say anything-- or have a serious talk with her-- it would do me no good, because she would just yell at me for being a bitch to her. It just hurts sometimes. Even the littlest things do. Like earlier today my grandpa brought over a bunch of blintzes, and we were talking about breakfast, so I suggested that. But she said "Well, Greg doesn't like blintzes." But do you have any idea how many times they make things that I don't like, just not caring that I don't like it? God forbid you make one damn thing he doesn't like. God, I want to cry so badly right now, but it's Chanukkah, and if I cry, it'll be a big cry. I'm never happy when I'm home anymore. Oh well. That's life. People are unahppy all the time. And people have it so much worse than I do. Don't you feel shitty complaining about things like that? When people are living on the streets, trying to find a way to make it... and we complain about our boy problems or our friends or family? I mean, I know we all deserve to be happy, but sometimes it feels stupid to be upset about the one or two bad things in our lives when we have so much going on for us. Well. That's all I have to say for now.

That turned out differently than I had expected lol. <3
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