Sep 10, 2005 22:40
Wow. Almost a whole year has passed...
Well, let's see. I am very serious with Paul, the kid I started dating after the Nate Ordeal. Unfortunately Nate also followed me around, harrassed me, and did lots of burn outs in front of my house. Actually, it only ended about a month ago. Pretty sad on his part. But it's all over now, and I'm thouroughly happy with my life.
I also dropped out of school. No, I'm not dumb, I'm smarter than the majority of 18 year olds who HAVE graduated. The story is an interesting one. I'd been getting more and more run-down and shit, and I just started not caring about anything at all. My mom was getting worried, all I wanted to do was sleep, and I was having crazy mood swings. I had missed a total of 50 days of school, 20 being unexcused absences for skipping and just driving around instead. My mom took me to the doctor and I was diagnosed with depression, although I have a feeling it's bi-polar disorder because of the mood swings I was having. One day it was "Yeah, school's ok, life's good, YAY everything!" and the next it was "JESUS ALL I WANT TO FUCKING DO IS SLEEP. FUCK YOU AND YOU AND YOU. I DON'T CARE. THE SCHOOL CAN BLOW ME, AND NO I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU EITHER." Craziness.
I also got a new car before I'd broken up with Nate. A white 2000 Dodge Neon which ended up causing me lots of problems and got me in 2 car accidents. The Insurance company is totalling it and I am currently looking in to buying a red/orange copper colored 2000 Dodge Neon. And this time it has a sunroof, bitches. Too bad the white one was so fucking cursed. *sigh*
Also, I am currently sitting in my birthmom's house. :) I finally found her and she's awesome, and I found out I really was a wanted baby. She was a junkie at the time and didn't want to bring me up around that kind of thing, so she adopted me out. I have a CD my birthdad, Roland, recorded, and it brings tears to my eyes thinking about his death and how I will never get to meet him. My brothers and sister are awesome. Justin is 26 and he's so mellow and cool. Maegan is 24 and she has 3 daughters (my neices!) who love me. She is definately a rad girl. "Roly-Wayne" is 22 and he's a funny alcoholic. My neices are Alyssa (5), Kaci (3), and Sara (10 mo.). ADORABLE CHILDREN! I also met my grandparents on my dad's side and my Aunt Litha.
The best thing so far was meeting everyone and hearing who I look like. Oh, and of course getting stoned with my b-mom and laughing our asses off at dumb shit. :) Yeah, pot is totally acceptable in this family.
Wow....I'll be 19 in November. Little Mishies grow up fast.
I love life. :)