YAY it's summer :)

Jun 17, 2005 10:48

Hey everybody! It's time for my monthly... well bi-monthly update! LOL. Things are going well. I'm out of school for the summer. I got a 3.41 which is okay, but it kinda sucks cuz thats the worst I've done in my four semesters at school :( But I knew I wasn't going to do as well this semester. Some of my classes were really hard. (even though their names made them seem VERY easy! Ie. Stagecraft, Puppetry) Plus last semester I got a 3.89. It's kinda hard to go anywhere but down from that! And my cumalitive is still a 3.66 which is really good. Hopefully next semester I can get it back up to a 3.7 though.

I moved into Nikki & Erik's condo for the summer with Pat on May 20th. So I've been here for almost a month now. I really like it. It's in Newmarket but more towards Stratham/Newfields then downtown/UNH. It's interesting living w/ Pat and seeing him every day. Somehow I feel like we hang out LESS than we did when we lived in seperate places. And my mom and I hang out MORE than we did when I lived at home. Weird huh???

I went to Florida for a week with Melissa and Gill at the beginning of the summer which was a blast. GREAT weather, which really gave me a jump start on my tan. I can't believe how tan I am and its only mid-June. Pat went to Arizona for a week for Tony's wedding which was really fun. He says its beautiful out there. Maybe someday I'll go see for myself.

It is great to be out for the summer and I've already seen Kate and Danielle a few times and TANG! And I saw Luke and Emily this week but I still miss everyone from UNH so much! I miss being able to just walk a few feet to get to all my friends. It sucks that everyone lives so far away. On Tuesday I'm supossed to be going to Six Flags w/ Danielle, Luke, Kate, & Emily. But Emily has to leave early to go home to California so she can't come anymore :( Kate may have to drive her to the airport if Bill doesn't get the time off work to take her. So... she may not be coming either which kinda puts a damper on the whole outing. Whatever happens though I'm sure it'll still be fun.

But the most exciting thing of the whole summer has to be that I'M DONE WORKING UP FRONT AT MARKET BASKET! A new manager got hired and I just couldn't stand him anymore so I quit the front end and now I'm working for my mom in the doctors office more and I started working in the courteousy booth on Monday and Tuesday nights. I love it! It's so much fun. Maybe that's just cuz I'm working with Maria though??? She's probably one of the funniest girls I've ever met in my whole life. All we do is quote Napoleon Dynamite all night -- and get paid for it! lol. I start nannying next Wednesday also for the same family I nannyed for last year. I really did a good job planning out my job for the summer. I'm going to be making 325-400 bucks each week and I'm still gonna have Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays off! It's gonna kick ass! Pat started his internship at Enterprise Rent A Car doing Accounts Payable/Recievable (I have no idea what that means I just know thats what it is) He really likes it. He hopes to stay in the company after the summer is over and work there part time so he can work his way up. Apparently you can make a lot of money in this company if you get high up in the pay scale.

Alrite well I guess that's all for now. That was a LOT of updating! I guess I'll finish this entry off with... WHY ARE THE BACKSTREET BOYS putting out another album?!?! It's ridiculous. If anyone was going to come back it shoudla been NSYNC. But whatever, okay. Have fun boys... but if they actually get big again, I think I'm gonna have to hurt someone. Talk to you all later! ~MEL

P.S. OH YA--- Happy Birthday Dad!!! *he's 55! crazy huh???*
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