Sick as a dog...

Nov 15, 2004 10:24

Hey everyone! I'm back in FREEZING New Hampshire. Florida was fun, but the 40 degree weather change KILLED me! After 2 days in Florida I got a sore throat and a stuffy nose and now I'm at the point where it's hard to breathe. On Sunday, we almost missed our plane and I was so sick that I had to jump out of the car before we even parked at the place to check our bags so I could get to the bathroom. And then I experienced my most embarrassing moment EVER--- as I'm inside searching frantically for the bathroom I find its all the way on the other side and as I'm rushing to get to it, I can't make it & get sick right there in the middle of the airport on the floor. Everyone was looking at me like what the hell is the matter with you. It was SO embarrassing. I really don't think it could have been worse. Plus our flights were delayed and I didn't even get back to my dorm until after 9, so yah... it just wasn't a fun day.

But on the plus side, we got to see Greg play basketball TWICE and in his second game "he dunked"! YAY GREG! *I am looking forward to seeing many more from you at your regular season games Gregory.* Vacation with my family is never really stress-free, but it was nice seeing my brother and his apartment is AMAZING! I don't even understand how they can afford it. (Actually, they really can't, they are just putting themselves in debt, but whatever.) We got to meet Gina's family and hang out with them a bit which my mom didn't deal with too well at first, but eventually she came around. I don't know if Gina and my mom will ever really get along. I hope so though, I really like her.

Well, as my title of this entry says, I am sick as a dog so I'm gonna go lay in bed for awhile. I'm skipping all my classes today so I can stay in bed and get some rest. After all, we have an Alabaster Blue show this weekend at Mt.Holyoke and at this rate I won't even be able to sing! :( I HATE being sick! Grrr...
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