After 103 hours and counting, without mobility and opiated brain function...
Humility and patience come to mind.
Those things that you never make time for yet force themselves into your life anyway.
In exchange I have found immense appreciation for the little things that aren't so little after all--
friends visiting to make me laugh to forget agony, discussions of philosophy over dinner, Halloween costumes and farsighted vacation plans, get well cards made of computer parts, or your friend camping out at your house for an entire day just to make sure you are ok.
Fortunately, I'm all out of pain killers and the offices are "closed for the weekend" unless I want to hobble to the ER & wait to get meds. Yes, I have been using humor to combat all forms of pain, its really the best medicine I can think of.
Not to worry, I am *assured* refills tomorrow. Then I can be a happy pill monster all over again.
cookie, cookie!