Yeah, I've fallen off the pace a bit what with moving and all, but Book #3 for the
1% Well Read Challenge is Fingersmith by Sarah Waters. I'm trying to think of what I can tell you about it without Giving Things Away. It starts off in Victorian London where Sue gets recruited by a conman acquaintance to help him marry an heiress. The plan (or so it seems) is that they will then ditch the heiress in a madhouse and make off with the fortune.
But all is not as it seems and when things seem to be winding up with the heiress (whose name is Maud, incidentally) there are still hundreds of pages to go. And secrets to be revealed.
I have complained before that I don't care for books where I don't like any of the characters. But, you know, that's not really true. I don't care for books where it seems understood that I'm rooting for the main character when really I'm not because he/she sucks. But this is a book full of villainous people and while certainly I wouldn't like to meet them ever, it's awesome to read about them double crossing each other. I didn't really know who to cheer for here or how the ending could in any way work out okay. But it does. (That's not Giving Things Away. I don't say it's a happy ending, as such, or a sad one, only that it's an ending. And that I am okay with it.)
Also, my library copy has a picture of a pair of gloves on the front and having read the book I find this awesomely creepy. Y'all know how I love creepy books.