Fic: Little Miss Messiah (I Will Follow You Into the Dark) [Lilly/Logan] R

Sep 18, 2010 21:49

Title: Little Miss Messiah (I Will Follow You Into the Dark)
Author: hyperemmalawlz 
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Characters/Pairing: Lilly/Logan. Lilly/Aaron, Lilly/Weevil. Ensemble.
Word Count: 6500
Rating: R
Summary: Logan exists in a place of darkness and pain - Lilly doesn't. And, in the only way she could possibly be called a good girlfriend, she tries to follow ( Read more... )

lilly, veronica mars, logan, ensemble (vm), lilly/logan, fanfic

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Comments 3

lexalicious70 September 18 2010, 20:00:33 UTC
This is FANTASTIC. I'm going to rec it on my LJ and at my VM community, if that's okay with you. The insight you have with Lilly here and what has made both her and Logan the people they are/were is some of the most talented writing I've seen in awhile in any fic. Well done, my friend, well done.


hyperemmalawlz September 18 2010, 22:28:18 UTC
You have a VM community?

Seriously though, the reccing is fine. Awesome. Thanks a lot for your kindness. :D


lexalicious70 September 18 2010, 22:57:08 UTC
Indeed I do! I R mod. :D

You're welcome! It needs to be recc'd, it's awesome. I'm also saving it in my faves.


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