Fic: Again and Again and Again (Sweden/Finland, Ensemble) PG-13 (7/?)

Mar 03, 2012 22:20

Title: Again and Again and Again
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Chapter: 7/?
Characters/Pairing: Sweden/Finland, Sweden/Latvia, Sealand (possibly some sort of Sealand/Latvia at some point?), Ensemble.
Word Count: 1520
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The wife, the child, the best friend, the possessor, the man, the boy. It's almost remarkable how many people can get hurt.
Warnings: Cheating, sexual references, swearing, slut-shaming, aging up, bad reasons for sexual relations, age differences in sexual relationships.
Author's Notes: Hey you people who... haven't seen me in months. Sorry. I've barely been writing, a lot of what I have written is going very slowly, and there was some stuff awhile ago that kind of scared me away from LJ. Anyway, have an update. You know the drill: Written for
hetalia_kink, the prompt: Sweden has an affair with someone and Finland comes home one day and catches them in the act. Then followed by a annnnngsty argument of some sort regarding said affair. I want to see some tears and shouting matches or whatever for our "happy couple". The person whom Sweden has an affair with can be anyone, but I'd particularly like Norway or Latvia. I have no idea why.  The title comes from the Anne Sexton poem by the same name.

Chapter 7

Sweden's just going to acknowledge it: the entire universe hates him. Just three hours after Fin arrived and broke his mind, this person shows up at his doorstep:

“Hey, Sve! D'ya mind letting me in?!”

“...Go 'way.”

He tries to just slam the door, but Denmark gets a foot in before he can. “Aww, come on man! I haven't even done anything yet!”

“...So yer goin' to do somethin'?”

Denmark narrows his eyes. “I can't win with you, huh?”

Sweden shrugs.

Denmark sighs. “You're such a dick. C'mon, just let me in for a beer or something-”

“'S 10 in the mornin'-”

“Okay, maybe not, but still. You have to wait until I actually do something stupid to kick me out, y'know?”

A pause.

“...Why're y'even here?”

“Finally!” Denmark bounds through the door and past him, observing Sweden's kitchen like it's recently conquered land (...probably shouldn't go there). “Man, you're being a moody bitch today, huh?”

Sweden scowls (more than normal). “Why did I let ya in ag'n?”

“Hey, you're not very nice,” Denmark mock-pouts at him, and drapes himself over Sweden's couch. Sweden rolls his eyes.

“Did Norge smash a vase on yer head again?”

Denmark's mock-pout turns into an actual pout. “Shut up.”

Sweden sighs and buries his head in his hand (making his glasses smush against his face uncomfortably, but nevermind). He has enough to worry about, without Denmark being... Denmark.

“Hey, where's Fin?”

Sweden immediately raises his head, hairs on the back of his neck bristling. “Wh't?”

Denmark shrugs casually. “Where's Fin?”

Sweden is frothing with a muted and mostly unjustified rage (as he's pretty certain Denmark's not psychic), and by the time he gets a handle on that Denmark's escaped from his sight.

"Wh're are you-”


Sweden wants to just ignore Denmark as best as possible (and not think about Fin, because that is definitely going to work), but then Denmark starts going up the stairs and his stomach clenches.


“Yoo-hoo, guy who actually likes me, come out!” Sweden follows him up the stairs, gritting his teeth. Denmark can't know. He doesn't really think of how Denmark'd even find out, if Fin didn't notice and he has a lot more reason to be suspicious, but he can't let someone like Denmark think he's a-

Denmark stills when he gets to the bedroom. Fuck.

But Denmark just laughs.

Sweden's blushing, Sweden's angry, Sweden's scared and Denmark just laughs. God only knows what's going on now, and he should probably be grateful because - if Denmark's laughing, and not in a mocking way (Sweden can read him pretty well, after all this time), then Denmark hasn't found a reason to be mad. Which probably means he doesn't know.


“Jesus, Sve. Ew. Heard of air-freshener?” But Denmark is still laughing, and Sweden doesn't know what's going on. “I mean, it's great you and Fin have an active and healthy love life and all that jazz - but I did not need to get, uh, the distinctive aroma, y'know?"


Denmark thinks it's from Fin. Makes sense. He has no reason to think there's anything wrong with Sweden and his “wif'”; he sure as hell couldn't figure anything out about...

So how the hell do I explain then?

Denmark sniffs and turns away from the room. “So where is he then, anyway?”

“Out. Buyin' groceries.”

...Well that's one way.

Denmark nods. “Right. Why didn't ya just say that?”

Sweden doesn't know what to say.

Denmark doesn't seem to think about it for that long, which helps, he guesses. “Eh then... Well if you're being all grouchy and silent and shit, I guess I'll go. Seriously, you're way nicer with him around, you know that?”

“Bye, Denmark,” he says, and Denmark rolls his eyes before going back downstairs and slamming the door. Sweden doesn't bother following. He sighs.

Really of all the people, it seems stupid to worry about Denmark judging him. Judging's not what Denmark does. He's pretty carefree about morals, both his and others'; there are reasons he's best friends with the Netherlands, y'know.

Still, Denmark... knows him, he guesses. They don't get on that well, but they know a lot about each other... Denmark would hate it if he found out what's happened, he knows. Denmark thinks Sweden's the good guy, if too stoic and such; Denmark doesn't judge much but he does judge, and he would there because what's happened is completely unlike what he knows about Sweden. And Denmark actually cares about what he knows about Sweden. Something like that would make him panic, just like Fin did; well not just like Fin did but common in one way - someone you thought would never do anything like that... would.

He really screwed up this time.

He was trying to help. He still is. He knows he's not doing the 'right thing', exactly, but all things concerned he doesn't know what would have been a better thing, and he doesn't know what anyone else would have decided in his situation.

He couldn't just abandon the boy.


Norway is probably still pissed at him. The problem when Norway's pissed at him is, for hours on end, Denmark has nothing to do. He tried crashing the Netherlands' place, but he wasn't there so that plan didn't work. Sweden went all... Sweden at him. He eventually settles on hanging around some shops somewhere, wasting time by eying whatever attractive females walk past (which gets him hit with a handbag once, but hey, he lives with Norway.)

Anyway, partway through his loitering, he runs into a familiar face.

“Hey, Fin!”

He gets a jump and a surprised look from the other man. He quickly crawls out from his place sitting in between the bars outside the supermarket. (Because you clearly outgrew being a five-year-old on playing equipment, says his Mental Norway. He frowns. Shut up, Mental Norway.)

“Denmark!” Finland starts smiling as Den walks up to him. “Sorry; just, you made me jump a little there!”

Denmark chuckles. “Sorry man, it ain't my intention,” he says. “Gotta say, that was one long trip for groceries.”


“I went to see Sve like, 2 hours ago and you were already gone - you don't even seem to have bought that much! Though I suggest getting some air freshener, FYI.”

“...Wait, what?” says Fin.

A pause. “Dude, you okay?” Denmark asks at the look on his face. “You don't look so great, really.”

“I-? Oh, I'm fine.” Fin smiles again, as natural as ever. “Sorry, I've been a little stressed lately... I've had a lot of work.”

“Oh, right. Nation stuff.” Fin gives him a look and Mental Norway pops up again: great, now you're going to get yourself institutionalised. No-one seems to have heard him though, so again - shut up, Mental Norway.

“Anyway - air-freshener?”

“Oh, uh,” Well this is going to be awkward. “Just... when I went to your house, the smell in your room - yeah, uh, something had happened there, and recently, haha.” His chuckle after this sentence kind of fades into non-existence. Fin doesn't react. “Uh, that wasn't really funny, was it? Yeah, gross, nosy, sorry dude.”

No reaction from Fin. Like nada. Doesn't even blink.

“Uh, Finland? Yoo-hoo? You still there?”

“...Sorry.” Fin blinks again, and smiles - but it's really shaky this time. “Anyway, uh, I should really be getting home - you're right, I've been out awhile... Sweden's probably worrying about me.”

He almost turns into Sweden with the mumbling at the end. “Uh... Okay,” says Denmark, and things have gotten really awkward. “Then, see ya Fin... something like that!”

“See you!” Fin is grinning again as he wanders off, but Denmark's confused. Something must be wrong.

He should probably ask, but-

(Why do you feel the need to pry? asks Mental Norway. For god's sakes. Are you just incapable of accepting aspects of people's lives that don't revolve around you?)

-It's not really any of his business. Besides. Fin and Sve are both way better at dealing with this kind of shit than he's ever been.


Shit shit shit shit shit.

Okay, so they've lied to Denmark. He doesn't know about the big separation, and knowing their luck it will come out in some big awkward way that will make at least one person cry.

Now the important bit:

Denmark said 'something' happened. With those quotation marks. And he said it happened recently, and - and Fin hasn't even been there recently.


How did he not notice that when he was there? When he thinks about it, there was a weird smell. But he ignored it, wanting to just get his stuff and go.

Oh god.

Oh god no.

He ducks into a liquor store on his way home.

axis powers hetalia, fic: again and again and again, ensemble (aph), sweden (aph), sealand (aph), finland (aph), fanfic

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