Fic: Again and Again and Again (Sweden/Finland, Ensemble) PG-13 (5/?)

Jul 08, 2011 22:33

Title: Again and Again and Again
Author: hyperemmalawlz 
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Chapter: 5/?
Characters/Pairing: Sweden/Finland, Sweden/Latvia, Sealand (possibly some sort of Sealand/Latvia at some point?), Ensemble.
Word Count: 1420
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The wife, the child, the best friend, the possessor, the man, the boy. It's almost remarkable how many people can get hurt.
Warnings: Cheating, sexual references, swearing, slut-shaming, aging up, bad reasons for sexual relations, age differences in sexual relationships, possibly some form of dubcon (idk).
Author's Notes: Written for hetalia_kink, the prompt: Sweden has an affair with someone and Finland comes home one day and catches them in the act. Then followed by a annnnngsty argument of some sort regarding said affair. I want to see some tears and shouting matches or whatever for our "happy couple". The person whom Sweden has an affair with can be anyone, but I'd particularly like Norway or Latvia. I have no idea why.  The title comes from the Anne Sexton poem by the same name.Yeah, it's been forever. Sorry gaiz. -_-

Chapter 5

There's a knock on the door. Sweden's not entirely sure the wisdom of going to answer it, but who knows. It might be Finland, so he can try and explain and fix this. He basically ignores the million other possibilities. When he actually does answer, however, it's pretty much the exact opposite of that.


Sweden's pulse starts to race a bit as dread settles in his stomach. God, what does he want...? He soon gets annoyed with himself for that, though. It's not like Latvia did everything and he's some innocent victim. The boy seems embarrassed, really, avoiding his eyes shyly.

“Sweden,” he says softly, and just the smallest bit slurred. “Sorry.”

“Wh't's wrong?” he asks. “Why are ya here?”

Latvia sighs, but doesn't answer the question. “Can I... comeiiin?”

Sweden doesn't want to. He knows what he's done with this boy in the past, and he has to keep him out of the house to stop. Resist temptation. Otherwise he'll never get Finland to forgive him.

But he can hardly let a small, upset, most likely kind of drunk boy go out on his own at night. “...Fine,” he says, stepping out of the way to let Latvia in.

Latvia smiles gratefully and comes down the hallway. He heads straight for the couch in the living room, curling up on it and laying down. He looks... injured. Hurt. Fuck.

“Y' okay?” Latvia doesn't answer, and Sweden sits down next to him. “C'n I get you... tea or coffee or anything?”

“Tea would be nice,” Latvia whispers, and Sweden runs off to the kitchen to do that.

He's pretty sure Latvia has come here to... Well. This is way it starts. Latvia comes to their house, shaking and fragile, desperately in need of comfort. Sweden just wants him to get better, to help him. It went from there, and now they're in this...

He's not stupid, he knows why Raivis does it anyway. He's broken. He's been hurt for the last century or so, and he wants things to get better. What he remembers being better was... when Sweden took care of him. Sweden doesn't think he was perfect, far from it (especially towards the end) but he was better than Russia. Latvia came to him to get that feeling back.

Sweden supposes he felt too guilty to say no. He should have been able to defeat Russia, back in that war a few centuries ago. He should have done something after they got free, but Russia came for them again. He even hung Finland out to dry then; he protected himself, and Sweden shouldn't have made his wife do that. Not to mention someone as weak as Latvia.

It's not all his fault. He's not strong enough to take someone like Russia on about this; he can't actually help the boy get free. He thought all he could do was make the boy maybe feel better for half and hour. Then Finland...

He brings the tea to Latvia, who has to sit up to take it. “Thank you.”

“Yer welcome.” There's an awkward silence as Latvia takes a sip, and Sweden wonders where exactly all this is going.

“I'm really sorry,” Latvia says.

“'S not y' fault.”

“Yes it is,” Latvia moans. “I started this.”

“I coulda said no.”

“I know, it's just...” Latvia's voice trembles again, as does his body. “You two were so happy...”

“Uh.” Sweden's not sure what's appropriate here, but places a hand on the boy's shoulder to try and calm him down. “It's alright... yer drunk, I think...”

Latvia snorts. “You make it sound like that's strange for me.”

“Raivis, 's gonna be okay.”

Latvia puts his tea down and leans back against the couch. “Estonia went to see Finland today,” he says.

Sweden gives a look. Wait, did he...?

“And Finland told him, what happened, why he left, but... he didn't mention me. He lied. Said he didn't know who you were... Why would he do that?”

Sweden hesitates. “...Dunno.”

“I don't deserve it,” Latvia says. “I did this to him... it's horrible. He hates me, doesn't he? You heard him, he called me a... why would he protect me?”

“Really hatin' Russia?”

Latvia smiles. “Perhaps,” he says. “I'm still really sorry.”

“Yer just...”

“A complete psychological trainwreck? I know.” Slowly, he stands up again, and walks over to the mantelpiece. “This is his flower,” he says, taking it out of the vase. “I know. He put a lot of them up when he lived with us...”

Sweden watches the boy start to shake and slowly approaches him from behind. “Latvia...”

“Did you bring him flowers? Or did he give them to you?” Latvia runs his fingers up and down the stem, quickly losing what composure he has. “Flowers, lord, it's been a long time since flowers. It's always so cold and to go outside and pick...”

“Please jus' calm down.” Sweden grabs his shoulder. The boy sounds practically insane now, not that it's so unusual; Latvia's been dancing on the edge of psychosis for awhile now. He never thought that was contagious. He wonders if anyone, like Ukraine or that, felt this sort of thing about Russia before... Perhaps he's made it worse, if he's made Latvia feel like he ruined things. Perhaps if he turned the boy away now, it would shatter him further. Maybe Sweden's just overreacting. There's no way of knowing.

“I'm sorry!” Latvia turns around and suddenly jumps into his arms, scaring the daylights out of Sweden. “I ruined it, I ruined it...”

“Shh, shh, calm down...” Sweden assures him, patting him on the back. “'S okay, it's gonna be okay.”

Latvia eventually goes quiet with a small sob, before pulling back to look up at him. “S-sorry.”

He's stuttering again, and jesus, he seems so small. Not for the first time, Sweden feels kind of sick. “Don' mind,” he says. “You feelin' okay now?”

Latvia shakes his head. “S-sorry.”

Sweden sighs. “Go finish y'tea,” he says. “It'll be alright.”

“Me or the tea?” Sweden tries to move away, and Latvia grabs his wrist. “Sweden.”


Suddenly Latvia starts shuddering again, and Sweden grabs hold of him to try and calm him again. “I-I shouldn't have come here; it's wrong, I'm wrong-”

“Y' didn't do 'nythin'-”

“You know why I'm here Sweden!” Latvia steps back to scream at him, making him flinch. “I - I came here because, because I felt it, I felt, and I drunk too much and panicked too much and what I panicked about didn't come true, but that made it worse, so I came to you to make it... God, I really am a whore.”

“Latvia-” Don't blame yourself. This isn't the right way to this. For the love of god, leave me alone. Sweden could say any number of these, but soon Latvia has launched himself up and is tackling him with a kiss, and Sweden finds himself kissing the boy back without really trying to.

“Wait, L'tvia-”

“Please, please,” Raivis whispers, about to choke-up again. Tiny hands start to pull at Sweden's clothing anxiously, and he bites his lip. “Please, Sweden; I know what I did to you but... please just make me feel better.”

Deep-down, Sweden's always been a bit of a pushover.


Afterwards, Latvia goes back to shaking.

“Ya okay?”

“Mm-hmm,” Latvia says. “Sorry.”

“Please stop apologizin' t' me,” I already feel enough like I'm taking advantage of you.

Latvia doesn't pay attention, hurriedly pulling his clothes back on. “I-I really have to get back; it'll be suspicious and I'll get in...”

“'S cold. I should drive ya.” He gets up to put his clothes on as well, and notes that Latvia's avoiding his eyes. Not that unusual. We're all fucked.

“Just remember to drop me off a little away, so nobody sees you,” Latvia says. “Sorry.”

“Stop it. I jus'...”

“You want to help me. I know.” Latvia looks back over his shoulder at him. “I'm using you, y-you know.”

Not sure that's the impression I'm getting.

“Get yer coat.”

latvia (aph), ensemble (aph), sealand (aph), fanfic, axis powers hetalia, sweden/finland, fic: again and again and again, sweden (aph), sweden/latvia, finland (aph)

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