Ooo, a worthy dream writing in my journal about. Worthy becuase 1) I remembered it, and 2) because Jim Carey was in it. Originally the people getting married were Renton and Eureka from Eureka seveN, but then it got a bit weird and the situation the characters were put in were.... a bit too extreme for the characters to handle, so my mind told me. So they later get changed to generic macho man and beautiful brunette girl. :P
The setting is in a jungle/swamp. Its been somewhat modernized with an antique castle sitting in the middle of the swamp and a large dirt trail that leads out to the beach. Inside the castle's main hall is where the marriage reharsal is going on. Eureka is playing the piano and comes to a difficult part. Renton comes over and starts playing the left hand while Eureka plays the right. ((Its supposed to be one of those bonding moments between the two main characters where it makes you wanna go, "Awww!"))
The person running the reharsal comes in bursting through the doors. ((It's Jim Carey!!)) His character is immediately figured out to be pompus, rude and bossy, but with somewhat good intent since he seems to be on good terms with Renton. After a few montage scenes where the orchestra is forced to redo a part by Carey's character (we'll call him villian for now :P), Renton and Eureka being scolded for messing up vows, etc, the dream skips to the action.
The villian has just killed a group of people and only generic macho man and his bride, the brunette saw. As the two are running around the castle looking for the rest of the guests, they deduce that the villian has three other accomplices that were sitting with him during reharsal. As they reach the courtyard they see the three accomplices, their hands tied behind their backs, surrounded by all the guests in a circle. The villian steps out from the crowd and accuses them of the deaths of the other guests and proceeds to take action. He holds out a few dice in his hands. They look like they were well used, chipped and the white now a antique yellow. The villian takes out a lighter and burns the single dot on the side and the dice starts to glow. He places one of the glowing dice into the mouth of each victim and forces them to swallow it. There are three pops and the men fall down, dead.
Another scene change. Final scene, Generic macho man, Beautiful brunette girl and the villian look beaten and worn out, their clothes are torn, their skin is dirty and their hair a mess, (though all of them still look as beautiful as ever!). They are outside the castle, near the beach where the reception was going to be held. Generic macho man has the villian pinned down against a table and three dice in his hands. After a struggle and monolouge (I don't remember what was said, but I'm sure it was stereotypical and boring) Generic macho man puts two of lit dice into the villian's mouth and shoves one into his eye. (Gross~) After another struggle, the villian is able to spit out the dice onto the ground. Generic macho man tells Beautiful brunette girl to place the dice back in his mouth. As she's doing so, Generic macho man feels the villian's stomach, no, his whole body tremble in fear. While his face is full of anger, his eyes are full of sadness ((another "aww" moment, but you want him to die anyway,)). The villian spits one out, but Generic macho man macholy catches the die and shoves it into his other eye. He soon jumps off of the villian and as soon as the villian sits up, his head explodes in a bloody mess. (I'm sure his stomach exploded too :P)
The dream ends where everyone is having a bbq on the beach and playing the Wii.
Lawl! I'm so weird. I love my dreams though, They're usualy epic like this :P