Fic a Day 3

Aug 10, 2011 01:41

Okay, a couple hours late with this one, but it's not the new day until I pass out and wake up again so nyeh~

Title: Moon's Fire
Fandom: Merlin
Verse: None
Warnings: Slash and smut.
Word Count: 664
Summary: Challenge #3: Alternate Universe
Status: Complete - Unedited

Gwaine’s back hit the wall with a heavy thump. He felt a growl trickle up his throat as he tore at Leon’s shirt, the thin material no match for his strength. His own shirt was at the similar mercy of the other man’s fingers, and both landed in tatters on the floor. Desperate to feel skin, Gwaine pulled Leon as close as he could, wrapping one leg around his thigh to make sure he couldn’t back away. Not that Leon wanted to. he was as hungry for this as Gwaine, the constant presence of the near full moon through the window setting their blood on fire.

It should have been wrong. The beasts beneath their skin rarely ever interact, even stateside. Lions and wolves were never meant to run together, but in this moment, in an old office that smelled of books, leather, and Arthur, their boundaries meant nothing. It was too perfect to just move as if trying to crawl into each other and take pleasure in another warm, familiar body.

Almost starving for attention, Gwaine stole Leon’s mouth with lips and teeth, drawing blood with the force of his kiss. Not to be outdone, the lion trailed his nails down his chest and into his jeans. With a sharp tug the button snapped off, the zipper tore, and Leon was wrapping his hand delicately around Gwaine’s cock, stripping him once, twice, eager for the moans he coaxed from Gwaine’s throat.

Growling again, Gwaine pushed Leon until he fell back onto a desk, scattering pens and dumping the phone onto the floor. Pants quickly joined the shirts and when he spread Leon’s legs to settle between them there was nothing stopping him from connecting with his lover in the most intimate of ways.

He leaned forward and set his teeth around a hard nipple, biting down until Leon fisted his hair and curled up around him, his breath skipping with a hard pant. “Gwaine...” The wolf grinned around his mouthful of flesh and licked his tongue slowly over the nipple until Leon had enough of the teasing and pulled him up by his hair to kiss him again. “I want you inside me,” he managed to groan between bites, shifting his weight on the desk so that the wolf could tease his entrance with the bare tip of his dick, precum smearing on his skin.

“Well, when you put it that way.” Gwaine grinned into the kiss. He trailed his teeth over Leon’s jaw as he took himself in hand, his free hand reaching across the desk to open the middle drawer for the small bottle of massage oil he knew Arthur kept on hand.

For emergencies, he’d said. Well, this definitely qualifies.

The next several minutes were a haze of heat and blinding pleasure as Gwaine thrust into Leon, almost too tight, too dry, but neither of them cared about the almost pain. They were too absorbed in each other, in the slap of skin against skin, the burn of nails marking their flesh, teeth drawing blood wherever they could find purchase.

Gwaine wrapped his oiled hand around Leon’s cock and stroked him in time with his hips, until too soon the lion was muffling his cries in Gwaine’s shoulder and coming, holding him as if by letting go he would be lost into an abyss. He wasn’t much better off himself, his mind nearly shattered with the force of the heat building in his balls. He managed to thrust twice more, tipping himself over the edge of oblivion.

In retrospect, they probably shouldn’t have had sex in Arthur’s office, it was close enough to the full moon that their release nearly caused both of them to shift, and, to be perfectly honest, they had enough to explain when the owner in question came to work in the morning and saw them sprawled, asleep, beneath his desk.

At least they remembered to put on pants before passing out.

[what] pornathon, [fandom] merlin

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