So I've been playing Pokemon Pearl for a couple of days, and I don't hate it half as much as expected. You know, the whole 'randomly attacked by level 3 suckers when walking in the grass' thing. So it's still not really my kind of game, but I found a certain joy in naming the monsters I catch. I like retarded names, just look at my cats. And it's always surprising when the one named Uselessmon turns out to be the most effective fighter.
I've got
Pitpitpit! (starting pokemon),
Canabeast (Okay, it's a fucking beaver, Canadabeast was too long anyway, not my fault if it sounds like some kind of drug),
Uselessmon (I captured it because it kept attacking me, no regret),
Retardface (Honestly, just look at this thing),
Ponyta (kyaaa) and that stupid egg they forced me to accept.
And then some others slowly dying in my computer. I should probably release them, it's not like I'm ever going to use a level six Zubat. . . Oh, well.
I'm almost done with Hotel Dusk too. This game is very addictive, I completed eight chapters in two days. Overdose, had to take a break, is why I started a Pokemon in the first place. But now I'm addicted to Pokemon. Vicious circle. I'll probably go back to HD later this week to finish it... It's very pretty, I almost don't mind the endless dialogs because the art is so nice to look at. But god, all the characters really like talking. It never ends. ENDLESS EXPOSITION. As much as I'm enjoying it overall, I think I still prefer games with more exploration and puzzles. Hmm.
So hey, while on the subject... of video games. EIDOS MONTREAL + THIEF 4 IS FINALLY OFFICIAL. The confirmation was a month ago but I'm so slow, shh. There is not much to say except that this is very hot and that it makes me miss Deadly Shadows even more. Stupid vanishing game. I cannot buy you again, just come back already.