
Oct 24, 2007 01:28

Today I drove up to jacksonville and bought my hallowen costume for vegas! I bought a black corset and this poofy little black skirt to match. I'm going to go as a gothic doll. I stopped at MAC and got some makeup as well. The lady there gave me a great idea that i just may have to steal from her. We'll see. There should be pictures of the final product from sin city itself. Instead of buying black ballet shoes that lace up i decided i'm going to buy a pair of ballet looking flats, and then lace a ribbon under my feet and up my legs. Should come out very nice. : D

I just bought my plane ticket to go home for christmas. How excited am I that skybus is based out of columbus???  My roundtrip ticket was $106. I paid $112 just to fly to south florida once. And that was a one way ticket!! I'm going to be in ohio from december 20th-january 3rd. The first 6 days i'm going to be with my family. The next five i'll be running around. Then charlotte and deluca. Then back to family. Very very excited about this trip!

I found my winter coat today. When I was in the 8th grade my dad bought me one of those reversable adidas winter coats that everyone had....and i still wear that same coat when I go home to the delicious cold weather of ohio. Seriously....that coat is almost 10 years old!! Wow.....i didn't realize it was that long ago! This coat is about 60$ after taxes and everything. I <3 it. If anyone wants to chip in for it for a birthday present -coughdecember12thcough- it would be appreciated.

So...there is this boy. I dig him. I originally started making out with him when i was drunk. Then i started making out with him when i was sober. And now....i like him. Funny how that went, eh? Anyways...we were hanging out together almost every night. Then he asked me if i liked him. I played dumb and asked why. He said, "just curious. it seems like you do, and i don't want you to get the wrong idea." I followed up with, "I'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable." He replied, "You didn't make me uncomfortable. I just know that you don't want a boyfriend right now." Ever since this conversation...we haven't hung out as much. Which is sad. We are supposed to go running at 8:30 am tomorrow. I plan on having a talk with him after we get back to my house. Hopefully that goes over well. I honestly keep thinking though......i like him......but i haven't had a "boyfriend" in some time now. It would be very weird to put that word into my vocabulary.

The winter coat i was raving about...is not in their online store. Sad kara. However.....the fish have a brand new water filter, and the little beta fish bitch has a clean little tank! Happy times for the babies! : D

Going to go to sleep now. Tomorrow seems way to early for mile runs and serious conversations. I'll probably just push him into my pool and hope we see bald eagles again. That was too beautiful.
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