What Ofurotaimu People Think About Tune

Feb 01, 2011 22:25

Jackie: @SeraphicTune @Hae_Lin @stephieku LOL why are you calling yourself stupid!? XD tune is the shota LOOOOOOOOL

Jackie: @SeraphicTune @Hae_Lin @stephieku haha well guyish is probably me LOL. i dunno. tune seems like a follower to me 8D;;

Jackie: @SeraphicTune @Hae_Lin @stephieku lol no you're like MY follower.. you're always like "jackie jackie jackie!!!" XDDDD

Stephie: @asatenshi @SeraphicTune @Hae_Lin She dooooes!

Sel: @asatenshi @SeraphicTune @Hae_Lin @stephieku THIS. XDDDDD

Helene: @stephieku @asatenshi @SeraphicTune LOOOOL

Stephie: @SeraphicTune @asatenshi @Hae_Lin LOL you're always be the cute little sister :'D Even though youre the oldest of your siblings

Jackie: @stephieku @SeraphicTune @Hae_Lin lol. even Mae "seems" to be an oneesan to tune LMAO

Jackie: @SeraphicTune @stephieku @Hae_Lin That's why you're our cute imouto~

Stephie: @SeraphicTune @asatenshi @Hae_Lin Tune is like a little puppy *pets*

Sel: @stephieku @SeraphicTune @asatenshi @Hae_Lin I think that's how everyone describes Tune, eh? ww ah puppy who cutely calls your name~

Helene: @stephieku @SeraphicTune @asatenshi *gives a treat* /shot

Helene: @SeraphicTune @stephieku @asatenshi dogs can't have chocolate...so I will give you RIBs instead /lamejoke

hnnn .___.? -puppy imagery- 
This entry was originally posted at SeraphicTune@dreamwidth! Feel free to comment in either places! ^^

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