I never mentioned awhile back that I joined track...and that's been eating up my time ^^;;
I'm not very good but I try my best ^____^
We had a meet yesterday and the weather's been really wonky lately. It was sooo hot on Wed, then windy Thurs and today it was rainy. Haha, we had it (the track meet) at the Mitchel Athletic Complex or something...and
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It's definitely weird at first in having a boss but if he/she is really nice I'm sure you'll get along really well. And no, your parents definitely do not count cutie pie :p
EHHHHHH??? You've never done any of those? O.O What planet are you from??? XD
LOL.. Well, I thought I wanted to be a doctor and I'm not now XD Shows you that you never really know what you want in life until you experience a part of it ne? ^^ So don't worry about feeling.. uhmm.. "PASSIONLESS" XD
Like I said, I wanted to be a doctor, so I took an "Associate of Science Degree". Everything was going well because I've always loved and been good in Science. I was in my second year when I had problems with my personal life (BF probs..) I decide to stop and when I came back it just was... different. I didn't want to be a doctor anymore.. I thought I don't want to be going to school for another 13-15 years. Maybe it was just because of the time off or I don't know.. I really don't.. To answer your second question.. I'm still unsure what I want to do. I'm planning on going back to school but i don't know what to take yet. I just worked, worked, worked.. I do volunteer work too.. at a day-care and that's making me think of going to Early Childhood Education.. but at the same time I'm still passionate about Science so I'm thinking Pediatric Nursing. Anyways, I'm not sure yet.. XD Hence we're in the same predicament except you're young and you have more time than me ^_^
You still have a lot of time before graduating right? But still, I guess your parents are right in asking you to decide. You like games and anime right? Why don't you look up Animation/Design or something like that? Anyways, don't stress yourself out too much. Maybe getting a job will help you decide what you want~ Like I said, I realized I love kids so I'm looking into a career towards that..
Nah~ I don't think it's that much different.. Except maybe we don't have to take SATs here XD
I hope if I do get a job/volunteer work that my boss is nice~ XD and yeah...my parents don't count, haha XDDD
hm...planet sedentary? haha Camping=bugs. Hiking...I dunno. I've just never done it before ^^;;; It's weird that I live on long Island but I havn't been to the beach in awhile...o.o
ohhhhhhh. pediatric nursing? Good luck with that~~ ^___^ Hope you find something! Yay, same predicament buddy~ XDD
um...I have like 2 yrs and about 3 months. XD Hm...it's like liking movies, but interested in going into like, say film making. ^^;; Good idea...(about the job helping me decide). I will look into it!
Thanks again Jamie! If you don't have SATs...what do you have? I know France has the "bac" and Spain has something similar. England has like the GSCEs or something. o.o It's interesting to hear~ XD
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