Oct 21, 2004 21:11
Ok. So today was either REALLY AWESOME, or REALLY TIRED. If I was moving, I was wide awake, and could run 10 miles. But if I sate down, I was reallllly tired. To start the day off, I had an American Studies test. I was taking it with my head on my desk, with an arm for a pillow, and my eyes closed so many times, even while I was still writing. It got to the point where I'd open my eyes ever 5 seconds to make sure I was writing on the line, and to read the next question. But after class I went to BEST. We went to the library and were researching, I was moving around more, so it more bearable. And at the begining of BEST Brie Lee invited me to Timiny's "surprise" birthday party (bon fire?), which is reallllly cool, cause its gonna be lots and lots of fun with friends. =) So then lunch, where I really started focusing on learning to juggle clubs. I'm borrowing Ross's. So then there was cooking, where we made 3 different recipies using potatoes, which was cool, and tasted good. And I was clean up, and got to stay for like 20 minutes after cleaning up, meaning 2/9 of spanish gone!! But spanish wasn't that bad. Walked home after school, nice walk. Juggled some, chilled some, trumpeted some, talked some, then Dad came home and we went to Wal * Mart. And since I was sitting in the car, I practically fell asleep in the car. I remember having a really cool dream, but I forget what it was of, but I KNOW it was cool. So then Wal * Mart, bought secret stuff, index cards, and donuts. (secret till party atleast) And then drove to Jazz Band, which was pretty fun, except that my lips were really tired to start, so I kinda suffered through it, a little, but got tired at the end, cause I was sitting down, so got really careless. So then I came home got on ventrilo, said hi to friends I hadn't talked to in a while, then thought about homework I should be doing, and am now doing this.