Mar 19, 2003 14:59
diputs ziz pip dibbly boo bop sippy sip slippy dip doo da
ibbly diddle skippy rieht peeper poo pa pa peedoo
hip hip yippurs tinmaddog glib glab nappy tootles
yips ritty sllac skoopee I haga laga maga gooker
scoopy eepie weeble happy joojoo sloodyo
miggly vugrug gnikcuf skapplip foofoo wippity bloofo
quip sleeb hoopfop yergyfing swoopely gipod
blippy blippy blippety gringo sbaro happy tnemegduj poo
ickfep leetriol etah weg weg truch reogburg meez
oodly libg hibg smiggly snaitsirhc poopoo whistle bib
smick dna feeburs beepity goodle treemug quimbly
I am a diggly poo.
Which means that I am sloodyo.
And yippurs make me cross.
The blippy blippy blippety as well.
But ickfep is not me.
So I glib and glab instead of gooker.
Because if I can sleeb...
then maybe I can vugrug and hoopfop.
Stupid weg weg makes smiggly pip.
Just because peedoo is a haga laga.
But I am miggly and I am quimbly.
Which makes me slippy dip.
ratatata tatatatata