So the miasma comes back... I should have known it was too good to last. And I already know that Master Van is still alive There's nothing I can do while I'm here, so I shouldn't be thinking about it. But I know I'm letting people down by being here in Avoria.
And the Tower of Rem... what Luke told me about almost disappearing. It's scary. I know if must have all worked out if my older self lived but, I don't know how things will go if or when I get home. Will things change because I've been here in Avoria? Will I end up disappearing anyway?
I'm being selfish... part of me wants to stay here and not go home.
Packing, keeping the kid turned cheagle from getting lost, and work. Very fun and exciting day. Better than the manor, though.
Kid, we'll dunk you in some hot water later today to see if you change back. I think it should have worn off my now.
[Filtered to Jade]
Can you give me another examination when you have time? I know you're probably busy with moving, so just tell me when you're free.
[[DX I'm gonna be late for class~.]]