Come baaaccckk!! T.T

Nov 06, 2005 17:12

Well... I have lots of inspiration! But none for writing. *Face-faults* I have absolutely positively EVERY LAST SINGLE ITTY BITTY TEENY TINY DETAIL set for 'GaE's next chapter. Down to the last quote. But... I can't seem to get it out of my head. o_o It just... stays in there. I WANT to write it. But it won't come out. *Sighs* Does that ever happen to you guys...?
I'm also really behind on things. It makes me sad. T_T There's some people... that I haven't spoken to in FOREVER! *Smacks head against a wall* And fanfictions. Oh living life, I'm so behind in them... need to read fanfictions, said I would read fanfictions, why have I not read fanfictions...? *Rocks back and forth* And pictures. I need to do a kiriban. And colour stuff. And do homework. Need to improve on math. Must get better in math. Dad will kill me if I do bad in math. Running low on getting people Christmas gifts. Need to get people gifts... *Stress stress*
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