omgsh Camping was soo much fun....I LOVE MADDELYNN! ;-) hahah Here are some of the Insiders from this weekend...
Kim:: " I'm losing to a girl !!! " We were Playing Air hockey and I was losing to a
Kim:: " Thorne Heights?!" We were playing a game and we had to think of Bands names...So Insted of saying Hawtorne Heights I sais Thorne Heights
Kim:: " If i had nuts that would work" She kicked me...enough
Mom:: " If they dont wear thier seat belts then they can die. Dad:: "Do we have
life insurance on Madelyn? Mom:: " nope." Dad:: "damn!" Okay we were on the way back to the cabin after Bowling...I came in 2nd place, 14 points behind her dad...and her brothers were all like They done have their Seatbelts on.. and then that started
Madelyn:: "my A doesnt have two A's " She was trying to say my name doesn't have 2 a's..cause it doesn't
Madelyn:: " lime pink!!!!" We were playing that game and she insisted that Lime Pink was a color so she could win...IT'S NOT A COLOR!!
Kim:: " Come on dont be
gay !!! " hahaa.....I'm not even going there...
Kim:: " I swear your dying" She was dying seriously....It was scary...she was like hacking up both lungs at
Kim:: " Pantera is Dieing!!" Madelyn:: " OMG thats not cool " HAHAHAHAHAHA We were tylkaing about our faveroite bands and I was like Mines Pantera..And they're
Kim:: " pouder, hands, after life, dieing, shower, clothes, brother " hahaha We WONT go thtere...
Kim:: " i talked to like 5 pasters today and my pen from church died...I hope it went to heaven... and you just worte everyword i said down on you hand and heaven landed on your middle figure
Madelyn:: " hey look i found a piece of paper." Kim:: " its in to different languages!" Madelyn:: " OMG ITS A SIGN!!!!" the nexted day. Kim:: " Madelyn that peice of paper is in english i think i was looking at it upside down. Madelyn:: " omg your
gay." hahahahha That was one of the Funniest blonde moments...EVA!!lol
Madelyn:: " NOFI-COS-CHA!!!!!!!" We were sitting there talking and I siad something about Nova Scotia and she was like I've been there....I was liek It's in Canada..and she was liek Oh...nevermind..
Madelyn:: **slaps kim** Kim:: " owww" Madelyn:: " oh is that your bad arm??? " Kim::" No but it still hurt me" Madelyn:: " you have issues." IT DID HURT!!! lol
Kim:: " Do the Dew.......o wait...I'm not old enough to yet." hahahahaha THats SOOOOOO old but still VERY FUNNY!
Kim:: I thought German People speak Polish....DONT ASK!
Almost getting locked in the Gym...omgsh I was
The old lady nexted to our cabin said we kept her up till 4 am .....we werent even up till 4am that night. lol
I fell into the hot tub and then fell into the pool with her towel after that. It was pretty good dang
Madelyn died a lot...
The Princess Daries 2!! :-)
"I look like a moose" "....yes but you make and the boy moose go whaaaaaaa...."
"I look like a poodle"....."she does look like a poodle"...**spray** "I love it." **kiss**
"I found her" Mia:"I am NOT here" Maid "Nevermind it was just a ghost....WOOOO"
<3 Kimberley <3