Sep 14, 2006 20:49
...and they go and change their look so I get all confused!!
Well, at any rate. I am fairly settled in with Matt here, and it is actually kinda funny since I don't feel like I moved at all. It's like, I don't even feel like I lived at the last place. It is strange!! But it is okay too.
Also, in other news, tomorrow is my last day at my current job!!! I am excited about that, since I will probably have a good week off then. Unfortunately, I have a doctor yearly checkup thing on Tuesday, SO not excited about that...because I am a wimp and hate even thinking about getting blood drawn or having to get a shot! So hopefully she won't send me to get bloodwork, but I have a feeling she will. Oh well I guess.
On top of all this, I might have a good job lead at a local cafe here. I don't want to give off too many details in case it doesn't pan out, but Kali would know it as her and my favorite cafe, just a 2nd location. Gosh I am too stoked about that possibility.
We've also been having our share of misfortunes since I moved here... First off, the oven part of the stove broke the week I was moving we can't bake anything. THEN, the fridge part of the refrigerator decided to break too!! But the fridge will be getting fixed tomorrow, which rocks considering it hasn't worked for about 2 weeks now and Matt and I (being such hardcore milk drinkers...yeah we go through a gallon of skim for me and a gallon of 2% for him each week it seems..) are in desperate need of calcium!!
Let's see...what else has gone wrong recently?? Well, I got into a minor car accident the day after labor day, on my way to work. I got rear ended on the rear right blinker and therefore my car will need a new bumper. Hopefully I won't have to pay anything on it (after the deductable which I SHOULD get back) because there was no way at all that I was at fault. But seeing as how insurance is screwed up the majority of the time, they will probably try to split it some stupid way like 90/10. Screw that, I mean really. I shouldn't have to pay nearly $80 because someone hit me. Honestly.
Then, yesterday, Matt's car decided not to start!! Good thing it works now, and perhaps our cursed luck is done playing tricks on us for the moment.
Okay, well I am going to get going after the short update so I can catch up on the journals I missed.