My guinea pig is crazy. I think that means he's starting to feel better. He has a crazy day and burns himself out, then has a slow day. Eventually I think he'll just be crazy all of the time.
Today was a crazy day. He actually found himself on top of my head at one point. He's not agile, so this is impressive I assure you. Also he sits on my face, or tries to, when I'm talking on the phone. He is jelous of the phone and it is pretty cute. Either that or he really does want to say hello to whoever is on the other line. Either way he becomes very verbal until I hang up the phone, at which point he returns to his business elsewhere. Silly G, I love you so.
Allergies, I do not love you: I hate you.
How to make an Amanda
5 parts anger
5 parts ambition
5 parts ego
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of lustfulness
Personality cocktailFrom Your Icecream Flavour is...Chocolate!
You are the all time favorite, chocolate! Turning white kids black since the 1800s. Staining carpets, car seats, and bed sheets for centuries. One thing is for sure, you will never go out of style. You can't go wrong with chocolate!
What is your Icecream Flavour? Find out at
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