Nov 30, 2015 21:48
Things are moving along. One foot in front of the other until it is time for bed. Rinse repeat.
Mom had to be taken to the ER Thanksgiving morning. Sis called and yelled at me for not telling her soon enough that I have a key to the house. Bro crawled back into bed to pretend none of this had ever happened. I spent the morning sobbing into my husband's fabulously purple shirt. Non-ideal.
I made 5 stops on my trip around the city that day. The last was the most important I think. Didn't get there until 10pm. I managed to destress enough that I wasn't in huge amounts of pain on the drive home the next day.
I got my hair colored while I was in KC. It still isn't light enough for my head parts but it is better. Maybe sometime in the next couple of months I will be able to get it all the way to good. The cut is fabulous for me.
Baby D is a charmer. He will tell you, "Don't drive angry" as you are walking out the door. If you tell him that first he will say, "Peace out homies." He asks to be excused from the table, the eat at the table even! I generally enjoy his company and he is only 3.
Dinner out with friends at Westport Cafe and Bar was fantastic. French cuisine with some flare. The bartender was fabulous. Ramos gin fizz is a new experience for me. I liked it in spite of myself. Ended the night at Harry's with more friends. Good times.
Got to spend some time with Dad and his wife. Fab food as usual. Heard all about their trip to NOLA. Renewed my desire to return and see it with the eyes of an adult.
X-posted to DW