
May 12, 2011 01:04

I need to apologize to mikz .

I mentioned in a previous post how angry I was at him for the mess he left behind and the amount of time and energy I *had to* put into helping to take care of it. That was not entirely true. Mik put a lot of work into organizing people to pack and move his things and gave me the opportunity to not be involved more than once. Each time, I insisted that I needed to help.

I took on a higher level of emotional responsibility than was really needed. I also felt like I couldn't responsibly say no because of my previous experiences in helping people move - instead of trusting that Mik would really be able to organize the forces he needed from a distance and that people would show up. People did show up, the moving got done, and it would have been fine if I had simply stayed at home and helped unload everything into my garage.
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