When dormice rub their eyes and emerge and the clumsy drag themselves out of the house again.
A couple of weeks ago I whimpered for help with my
doomed laptop . Thanks for the suggestions - I have aquired a little adapter since reading hard drives isn't an uncommon requirement away from home.
However prize piece of information definitely was the gem from
liasbluestone that the weird connection on the average laptop hard drive is in fact just a cover for the real thing. Sure enough under the covers it was just a standard 2.5 inch drive which did work with my external case. :)
Eventually, several days later someone came out to fix it. That is most of several days to process the call and eventually send it back to the UK. 24 hours for the UK technicians to get the actual parts and come out. Sadly, he identified a list of eight more woes, which don't render it unusable but do render it an endangered species. However for the time being he made it functional again.
More mobile this week meant back into the office. Possibly too soon for the current bout of long days but working from home isn't that easy at the moment. On the plus side, at least the week following Easter means slightly less crowded trains.