Title: Spencer Smith the Librarian
Author: hypafix
Rating: G
Pairing: S pencer/Brendon
POV: Omnipresent
Summary: Spencer Smith is the head librarian.
Disclaimer: Don’t own. Please don’t sue me for borrowing your toys and writing FICTIONAL stories with them. Don't google yourself kids.
Author Notes: Unbeta'd. Unloved until now.
Spencer Smith was head librarian of the state library (of Vegas). Spencer Smith was very very good at his job because he was the owner of a bitch face that could raze whole continents at a glance.
Also, he had instigated a rule where if you left your belongings for more than 15 minutes at a time, they were confisticated to give the space to someone else. But that’s not important.
Spencer Smith’s bitch face was legendary, and he was viewed by the majority of Vegas’s young library-using population as a frigid homophobe after that incident with those two boys caught snogging in the stacks.
But Spencer had a secret, see? He was very strict about work hours, about everyones work hours really, no overtime on his clock unless it was a life-or-death matter (which was another thing that made him so good at his job) and strictly enforced breaks and leave days.
Now the reason for this was that everyday, waiting at home when he arrived there was his lover Brendon. Spencer Smith was a homosexual, not a homophobe and that wasn’t a secret or anything, it was just that nobody knew because nobody had asked.
Brendon was a nursery school teacher, a job that allowed him to indulge his never-ending fondness for glitter, facepaint and Disney movies. His hours were shorter and more regular than Spencer’s, because not even Brendon, who was the klutziest most accident-prone person Spencer knew, not even Brendon could cause a catastrophe at nursery school.
When he was at home, Spencer was the designated Handy Man™, as well as being in charge of the cooking. Brendon was the housewife in their relationship, doing the sweeping and vacuming and other house-wifey things.
Spencer loved Brendon very much, and (although Spencer didn’t entirely know it), Brendon loved Spencer very much too.
And the incident with those two boys? They were making out in the extra-special!rare books section. In their passion, they had deshelved a number of these rare books, which were being trodden under foot and rapidly becoming ruined. Spencer is the librarian because he loves books, he can’t bear to see them being ruined.