Advice I would give to my high school self.

Aug 29, 2012 18:47

I was making pasta, when all of a sudden, I saw myself giving a commencement speech to RJC students.
Then I thought, if I could go back to my 17 year old self starting high school, what would I have said? Would I even have listened?
For what it's worth, this is what I would have said:

1. Don't laugh at other people's enthusiasm. People are excited for different things for different reasons. Excitement, enthusiasm, passion are things that should be encouraged rather than mocked. It marks someone as having a meaning or goal. Don't laugh at other's enthusiasms unless you're ready for other people to laugh at what you're enthusiastic about.

2. Don't just hang around with the in crowd. The jocks and popular kids might dominate social currency in high school, but unless they're substantive, they lose value over the years. Instead, hang around those who dream, those who work hard with an admirable goal, those who are weird, those who do things differently, because over the long run, they will motivate and challenge you the most. (This can be also titled "Don't judge based on appearances")

3. Develop an interest and work at it. There are a million things that you could be interested in. Poke around at all of them and try everything. Be nosy about things that interest you. If something interests you, invest in it, even if you think you might eventually lose interest or even if it is expensive. The best thing I did (in recent memory) was investing in a $1400 camera. I was scared as hell when I spent that money, but now I love every moment I shoot and develop pictures.

4. Stop listening to emo music. Why are you listening to that? I don't even.. .. ..  Just stop.

5. Learn how to talk to strangers. It's scary but if you want to understand diverse opinions beyond a factual level, you need to learn to connect to people. Put aside your biases, prejudices and pride and be open, even about squirmish topics. If you are open, other people will be open with you.

6. Take good care of your body. Exercise, and sleep well. Oh wait you're already doing that. Keep it up.

7. Be good to your parents. Once you grow up, you'll see them less and hear from them less. You'll wish you had a closer relationship with them once you're grown up.

8. Learn to code.. it's the future.. ok.. it's hard I know.

Ok, I'm done with 8 for now.
This was fun.
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