Title: In Silence
Characters: Byakuya/Hisana
Rating: G
Summary: Morning blooms in a weak, gray streak across their bedroom floor.
Genre: Angst
“Please take the medicine,” he begs.
Hisana turns her head, pale face sinking low into the pillows, the hollows of her cheeks digging shadows into her skin. “I cannot,” she whispers, eyes closed.
Byakuya cups her cheek in one hand. His thumb strokes the dark circles beneath her lashes. The medicinal tea he holds in the other, clutched so that his knuckles are white, is growing cold. Morning blooms in a weak, gray streak across their bedroom floor. Their shadows crisscross on the wall behind him.
He kneels before her like a man without anything else in the world.
“Please,” Byakuya whispers.
She doesn’t look at him. Her voice shakes.
“I cannot.”
Title: Ghosts with voices
Characters: Gin/Rangiku
Summary: He was like a fox, stealing her footsteps.
Genre: General
Some nights, when she’s too drunk to tell up from down, she can see his shadow. Following her.
Rangiku laughs into the night. Her breath forms chilled puffs of air before her lips. She licks her mouth and stumbles down the street, past people and buildings, the lights shining in her eyes.
“I can see you,” she sing-songs, swallowing another mouthful of sake, the burn no longer brining tears to her eyes. The shadow of Gin’s ghost continues to follow, a few steps behind. It’s not so different from when he was alive, she thinks. He was like a fox, stealing her footsteps, always there, always protecting her.
She suddenly finds herself in her bedroom, the sake jug spilling to the floor, soaking the hem of her dark hakama. She runs her hands through the long fall of her golden hair. Her blue eyes glance out the window, and his shadow blurs into nothingness.
“I don’t need your protection, Gin,” Rangiku says. “I never did.”
Title: Nocturne
Characters: Byakuya/Yoruichi
Summary: She's right. She's always right.
Genre: Romance (ish)
Their walls go down.
Her eyes are fire and smoke, staring at him with the intensity of small stars.
“I’m not you, Byakuya,” Yoruichi says, fingernails against his cheek. “I can’t be someone I’m not. You can wear masks and erect walls, and resign yourself to this life, but I can’t. I refuse.”
He tries to take her hand. She jerks it away. The room is full of gray and burgundy shadows.
Byakuya sighs, weary of this battle. Even after one-hundred years, she hasn’t changed. It infuriates him that she is so alike her former self, while his childhood days seem eons behind.
She’s right. She’s always right. But he cannot say it; he can’t say anything.
His walls go up.
“Then I have nothing more to say. I am not asking you to change. I am only asking you to stay.”
He begins to leave, but she stops him. Her fingers clasp his wrist, pule beating against her skin. She expected his skin to be cold, but it’s warmer than anything in the world.
She leans up to mouth words against his ear.
“It’ll break you someday,” she says, “but I’m not going to see it happen.”