Title: Realizations And Happy Endings
afteriwakeFandom: Bleach
Pairing: Ichigo Kurosaki/Riruka Dokugamine
Theme set: Epsilon
Rating: PG
Warning[s]: None for content, but if you're not reading the manga as it comes out in Japan there's spoilers as to Ichigo's new opponent and the person I've paired him with.
Notes: Answering a claim at
1sentence. The premise
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Comments 2
If you'd like to leave me some Ichigo/Riruka prompts, by all means, go here and leave some. If you've already left prompts you can leave three more for this pairing, and if you haven't you can leave five (or you can add other couples and characters...up to you).
Also, at some point amorphic is going to do a remix of one-sided Ichigo/Riruka fic that eventually turned Ichigo/Orihime that I asked for where it becomes Ichigo/Riruka, so keep an eye out for that one. She's got a good Riruka voice.
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