sit down, it's my turn now (2/2)

Mar 18, 2011 14:59

Title: sit down, it's my turn now (2/2)
Author: kanjo_girl 
Characters/Pairings:  Ichimaru Gin, Shihouin Yoruichi, Ichigo/Rukia friendship like whoa
Rating: PG
Spoilers: The current arc spoilers, seven months past the Decide Arc
Warnings: none.
Summary: Ichigo's always looking for chance to give back.  Even now, fifteen years later, he's still looking.
Notes: For airwaveeight 's prompt: It was just another day at work, until Ichigo ran into a familiar face, needing help. And if you see grammar mistakes, tell me.

It’s late into the night, about twelve thirty and he’s still in the office, looking through all the papers Rukia could gather on the kids. He has no idea what he’s going to do without some sort of repercussion involving the authorities breathing down his neck. These kids have to go somewhere but where is a safe place?

“You’re losing your touch.”

Ichigo jumps in his seat, cursing as he sees Rukia in the doorway, smirking.

“Or maybe you’re just tired.”

“I need to rest,” Ichigo leans back in his chair, rubbing a hand over his face. “You too.”

Rukia shrugs. “Remember when we used to battle for days until we would just drop in exhaustion?”

“That’s what shinigamis do,” he says, wistfully and he knows she spies the regret.


“Don’t,” he waves a hand to stop her. “We can’t go back to that life. I’m…human still.”

“No, you’re a fighter. Always have been,” she points a finger to him and sighs. “After all these years, you are still so hopeless.”

He smiles appreciatively and glances back at the files. Medical histories show the kids have been in and out of the hospital for the same sort of injuries-unexplainable, but ‘suspected abuse’. Hollow attacks, he knows. And he has a feeling Takeshi knows a little something about it too.

When he looks back up, Rukia’s staring at him meaningfully.

“They don’t have a chance, do they?” he asks her, searching for the answer he wants.

“We have to, Ichigo.”

And he finds it.


They’re ready to release Takeshi from the clinic. Overnight stays are supposed to be for hospitals in general but the Kurosaki Clinic pretty much gets the green card for these things. Uyruu had long ago arranged some of the money flow for more construction for the rooms (yes, he’s still in contact with Ishida, though it’s the same sort of relationship from before, just on business terms) and adding more supplies. It’s helped a great deal and right now, Ichigo’s more grateful than he’s ever been for it.

Rukia tends to the wound once more while Ichigo comes in and slaps some files on the bed at Takeshi’s feet. The kids stare in confusion at him.

“What’s that?” Naoto demands quietly, almost timidly like she knows it’s bad news.

“From the social services.”

Their eyes flash with panic, though they stay perfectly still, as if daring him to continue.

Ichigo glances at Rukia and they share a smirk.

“It’s for you two-you’re in our care as of right now.”

A few moments and the teens turn to each other in bemusement.

Since it seems Naoto does the talking for them both, she frowns and questions, “How? And who are you people? No one can just take us in that quickly.”

Ichigo shrugs and stares at both of them lightheartedly. His influence in the social services has finally come in handy for once. “It’s not official, but we made some phone calls and we can be your foster parents in a heartbeat-if you’d like.”

Naoto opens her mouth to require more answers but Takeshi lays a hand on hers and he stares at her with some desperation. Ah, so that’s how it works. One leads but the other is an anchor. That feels vaguely familiar and he’s not surprised when Rukia throws him a knowing look.

“Okay,” Takeshi granted, voice hoarse with uncertainty and sleep. Naoto shushes him softly.

“Fine,” she nods her head, a little begrudgingly and he knows it’s because she’s probably been down this road before.

But, Ichigo thinks with a smile, they’ve got shinigami’s to show them the way.


They never wanted to steal them away to the Soul Society-it would be too unorthodox, according to Rukia. And he agreed full heartedly; there was no way he was sending kids there. As far as he knew, Kenpachi was still roaming the streets looking for fresh meat to recruit. And then there was the whole reincarnation thing-people would probably faint seeing Ichimaru Gin and Shihouin Yoruichi’s new forms strolling their sidewalks. Yeah…that wouldn’t go so well.

So their second option (well, only option) that didn’t include them being forced into foster care and potential dinners for hollows was to take them under their wing. Of course raising children isn’t what Ichigo totally had in mind but it’s to protect the kids and that’s all he wants.

It’s their chance to pay them back for everything.


“We’ll train them to use their powers,” Rukia states the next morning, before everyone else is awake.

Ichigo stares at the two sleeping children on the couch of their living room and nods. “Yeah, we will.”


He takes Takeshi out for a walk on the outskirts that afternoon. It’s windy and a bit chilly but he doesn’t complain. The teen stands awkwardly as they pause atop one of the hills, overlooking the city.

“I don’t know what they are,” he murmurs, breathing out heavily. “I see things-people…who aren’t really there…and-”

Takeshi stops himself and he turns his head away with a frown. Ichigo stares, empathetically.

“Monsters, right?”

The boy looks back, shocked. “How’d you…?”

“They’re called hollows. All they crave are souls. They sense power in you. That’s why they attack you and Naoto.”

At the mention of his surrogate sister, Takeshi’s face instantly falls and his brow furrows. “We’re different, aren’t we?”

Ichigo nods.

“How do you know this?”

Shrugging, the man sighs and looks back to Karakura Town thoughtfully. “I grew up seeing ghosts. I was fifteen when someone came into my life and changed everything. I understand a lot of it now.”

“Then you’ll help us,” Takeshi states but there’s doubt, like he’s waiting to be turned away. “You understand, so you’ll help us.”

Ichigo glances back at the boy and an image of a battered, vulnerable man lying amongst rubble flashes before his eyes. When he blinks, it’s gone and a bright young man stands before him.

“I will.”


They have to face Urahara sometime. Since the death of Yoruichi, ten years ago, he hasn’t heard much from the shop owner. For good reason, Ichigo supposes. Maybe. But Rukia suggests they try to salvage ties with him again, considering they’ll need as much guidance for their situation.

Isshin offers to come with him. Ichigo shakes his head.

“No, this is something we need to do ourselves, Dad.”

The second Isshin comes in with them, they’ll get what they want. Ichigo wants to prove that he can do this without such influence.

Nodding, his father smirks. “Good.”

Ichigo blinks over to the kids, where Yuzu’s already spoiling them with candies. Wonderful.


Ten steps away from the shop, Rukia pauses. Ichigo comes to a halt and tilts his head, bemused.


Her eyes are set on the sidewalk below them as she says in a low tone, “I came back because I wanted to.”

Frowning, Ichigo tells her, “I already knew that.”

“No, I mean-” Rukia sighs out, shakily. “-I mean they gave me the option of becoming lieutenant.”

It strikes him harder than it ever should have because this means that she, once again, gave up something for him. His heart beats and he keeps thinking of all the times people have sacrificed things for him over and over and he thought that was over with.

Takeshi and Naoto are supposed to symbolize that, right? He’s supposed to get over this. Losing his powers, gaining them, giving back to others… Ichigo thought that he was done watching sacrifices being made for him.


Suddenly, she meets his eyes, glaring. “I came back, Ichigo. I came back because I wanted to. Just remember that.”

She doesn’t have to tell him.


Urahara seemed to have expected their visits, like he’s been waiting all this time and Ichigo has a feeling that’s really true. He sits them down at the table and offers tea, which they accept.

Ichigo glances over his form and thinks he hasn’t changed one bit. Ruffled hair, unshaved chin, dressed in greens and white that dumb fan in his hand. When he catches Rukia’s eyes, they try not to smile.

“So,” Urahara starts, “You’ve found them.”

Of course he knows.

Rukia nods once, sipping her tea. “They are in our charge, yes.”

Ichigo gulps down some but it burns his tongue. “We want to train them.”

“And you want to use the underground training base.”

They both nod, wordlessly.

Urahara sighs. “No.”

“What?” Ichigo stands abruptly and he hears Rukia tell him to sit back down but he’s rather livid at the moment. “You can’t just say no! They have to train and it’s the best place for them.”

“I believe I refused your request. If that’s all, you may leav-”

“It’s in their best interest. They need to learn how to use their powers,” Rukia interjects, Ichigo’s rage obviously having an effect on her.

Urahara stares at both of them, stony features and Ichigo spies that weariness he never used to show before. Easing back down, they wait.

Sighing, he explains, “I lost someone who knew everything about me. She knew me inside and out. I depended on her existence and I should have known better than to do so. It was a shock.”

Ichigo and Rukia shift uncomfortably, refusing to meet gazes.

Urahara sighs out. “Now imagine having that happen to you and then having to see that someone not know who you are, looking at you differently, unaware of the life you once had-the life you shared.”

Silence overcomes them and Ichigo can feel his heart pound within his chest. Yeah, he’s thought about that before-living a life without his family, Rukia, indefinitely. He fears the day that will happen, though he’s trying hard not to take any of it for granted. Rukia’s right-he is hopeless. Mentally, Ichigo smiles bitterly.

“I will help in any other way, Kuchiki-san, Ichigo-kun,” he lets them know. “Supplies and direction in whatever you need. But I am not…prepared.”

“Thank you for your time, Urahara-san,” Rukia gently lays her cup on the table and bows.

Ichigo lingers long enough to say, “Thank you for…everything.”

Because it strikes him he’s never gotten to say it before.


Isshin is slightly disappointed, though something tells Ichigo he deeply understands what Urahara is going through. Losing a significant other places Urahara and Isshin in the same ballpark, he decides. In the back of his mind, he’s just happy they didn’t ultimately decide to introduce Takeshi and Naoto to any of the Gotei 13-he can only imagine how fast the word will reach Mastumoto. That’s not something anyone wants to bring upon her. Rukia says they can’t hide them for long, though, and he agrees.

So they’ll build their own training grounds in the same fashion Yoruichi and Urahara had long ago. It will be underneath the Clinic (well, more than that, considering how big they plan on letting it be). Karin is thrilled training will be close-she’s always been up for shinigami shenanigans, or anything related. Yuzu encourages it as well. Isshin assists them in any way he can, which turns out to be a lot.

In the meantime, Rukia teaches the teenagers kido, which Takeshi is a little bit more ecstatic about than Naoto, who certainly loves hearing more about hand to hand combat. Rukia abandons all hostile feelings towards Takeshi’s former self easily as something akin to parental feelings take over and Ichigo feels it too. Ichigo’s eye twitches when he realizes he truly is raising Ichimaru Gin and Shihouin Yoruichi.

This is going to be a roller coaster ride for sure.


There will be ten patients today. He treats three of them-the flu is going around and children catch it faster than adults. When he helps Karin with a kid, Ichigo is surprised to see a teenager that reminds him of an old friend. Broken leg. Ichigo and Karin work through it soon enough and the teen and parent are off.

He hears the kids in the back-Takeshi takes to sword fighting and kido rather loudly, and Naoto loves to pretend her enemies are the walls. His office will be in shambles by the end of the day, he’s sure of it. When he glances behind him, Rukia’s there with a smile. He returns it.

In the back, there’s a landline resting on the east wall. Tentatively, he picks up the phone and dials a number he hasn’t called in years.

On the fourth ring, “Ichigo?”

“Hey, Chad.”




So it kind of rounded into a friendship fic, rather than just gen.  But yay .:waves celebratory flag:. I'm done.  BTW, tell me my grammar mistakes, I found one in the last chapter and I was horrified.

Other than that, newcomers/lurkers, go ahead and check out my request post

friendship - ichigo & rukia, character - gin, !author - kanjo_girl, character - yoruichi, admin - fulfilled request

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