I have all of her Korean albums, her Chinese album, and all Japanese albums/singles except for Passion/Heavy world and HYONY. I'm a little bit broke so I have to wait to get those later. Her Japanese stuff is so expensive! I also have a bunch of music video/performance files, remixes, and DJ Remix Services (VERY RARE!). In fact a lot of her stuff
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I really want to get her Japanese stuff when I have money and or her Korean stuff, because I found a website that supposedly stocks it but I'm not sure how legit it is.
I bought a Chinese dvd that has hyori/chae yeon/lee jung hyun MVs but most of them are just downloads... so they have tags/chinese subs etc.
I would love to have I Love Natural.
I know Yahoo Japan Auction still sells some of her stuff.
But its pretty expensive... -__-
I think the date could be a rumor... but it should be coming out soon. Im positive it will come out like the second week of May. Hopefully.. I mean Chae Yeon's new album was leaked a week before its release on Yesasia. Crazy!
I wasn't an OBSESSED fan until just after the 4th album promo had ended. I liked her though and I had her first 2 albums, gave them a listen again then downloaded 3 and 4 and she got me hooked so I bought Summer Party and ordered 3 and 4. To be honest when she debuted I thought she was a bit scary lol! With her first album sleeve having all that witchcraft and demonic imagery.
She seems to be on track this time (unlike the number of delays Fantastic Gilr had) so I'm sure by mid-May we'd be listening to it! I hope it doesn't leak!
Also really expensive, and they don't guarantee that it will be factory sealed. But once I have enough money, I'm willing to try.
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