A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
1. Going out without jewelry and some make-up is like going out half-naked for me. lol.
2. I talk to myself a lot. xD (especially when I search things)
3. I´m a total perfume addict.
4. First thing to do in the morning (via mobile phone in the tram) : check twitter. :D
5. I always hear music whereever I go. Even if it´s just the supermarket at the corner. xD
6. My clothes are everywhere. ALWAYS. xD Not able to put them away properly. :/
7. Everytime I come home the first thing to do is going to my mum for ranting, bitching or just telling how imy day was. some socializing. xDDD lol
I tag
yui_takigawa ,
shikachimaru ,
stardust_candy hamu_hime pandablubb ozouchikozouchi komikron