Aaron and Pyramid Head
The Labyrinth under the Historical Society
Nightmare Silent Hill, a full cycle before the Water Prison
Violence, off-screen references to rape
This was no Minotaur's pit he found himself in. The Minotaur was a creature of myth, after all. This was viscerally real, and no string could save him from this monster.
: The sirens resounded thickly still, even if it was only inside of Aaron's head. After the darkness around his eyes settled, he found himself no longer standing by Ocelot, or even outdoors at all, but instead, in a dark hollowed out hole of an unfinished room, crafted with fine wooden floors and barren white walls.
Aaron: "Wha...what's going on?" The sirens had begun so quickly, causing him to nearly jump out of his skin in surprise. Shadows blocked his vision, thicker than the oppressive fog, growing until nothing was visible...and then suddenly fading away, leaving him with a glimpse of a dark room, unfinished and frightening in it's barrenness.
"Where am I...?" he wondered aloud, taking a few usnteady steps forward, glancing about hopelessly for Ocelot.
: He could only hear wet footsteps down the hallway ahead of him and slightly to his left, plodding around like they had just heard him talk, purposeful.
Aaron: Slowly, the werewolf boy moved forward, towards the door, towards the sound. The hair on the back of his neck prickled, palms sweaty. This...none of this was right and he had a sinking feeling it was going to get worse.
"...Someone? Can anyone hear me?"
: As he turned the corner, he almost bumped into the creature that had come to meet him. It was his height, but more slender in build, as difficult as it was to tell. Its arms seemed to have grown in under it's plastic-coated flesh, squirming and pushing and distending the skin to get out. Groaning, it tried to ram Aaron to the ground, naked shoulder aiming to ram into his.
Aaron: The...the thing very nearly succeeded in knocking him down. The flesh was..unnatural, plastic-looking and hideous, sinew almost seeming to writhe beneath the surface. It was terrifying, and Aaron let out a gasp of immediate fear, ducking back, shrinking along the wall.
: The thing immediately went after him, writhing in it's own flesh, mouth open hungrily. It staggared for him still, leaning back, spine parallel to the ground.
Aaron: Why couldn't he shift when he needed to?! Terrified, he darted back, sparing only the more terrified of glances at that fleshy, open-mawed beast before turning and bolting down the hallway. What sort of place was this to have monsters like that? What..what was it?!
He didn't know or care, so long as he could get away.
: The creature spat out a glob of acid, burning a hole in the ground where he once was, but could not follow him down the hallway, the light now fading from its sight.
Aaron: He didn’t stop for quite some distance, until he was assured that the creature wasn't following. Panting, he sagged against the wall, rubbing at his eyes, which were close to letting loose with a stream of terrified tears. But...now wasn't the time, and he dashed at his eyes one last time, clasping that flashlight like a lifeline as he continued.
: Not too far off beside him was a doorway, but instead of a door partitioning off two rooms, there was a red ladder, leading down into what looked like a limestone cave.
Aaron: Unhappily, Aaron came closer, inspecting the ladder with a wary eye. It seemed to descend into darkness, but he didn't really have a choice, did he? Not with that...that thing back the other way.
A sort of sob left his throat as he slowly moved towards the ladder.
: there was water at the bottom of the ladder, rippling amd moving like there was a current. With so much ambient noise about, it was hard to tell if he was alone down there.
Aaron: Immediately, he felt the water seeping into his shoes and socks, winced at the cold of it before moving away. Each step was slow, and he constantly turned this way and that, afraid of every noise that assaulted his ears.
: As he turned the corner, he could hear wet, sodden footsteps, not unlike the ones upstairs in cadence, seeming to head straight for him.
Aaron: He held his breath, not wanting to even gasp for fear of whatever it was hearing him. Careful, slow steps carried him backwards and towards where he thought the ladder was.
: He bumped into the back side of the ladder as the thing turned the corner, seeming to make a beeline first for the cast of the light on the wall, then for him.
Aaron: Those large blue eyes couldn't possibly get any wider, but as that creature raced towards him, he did what cam natural to anyone terrified, being pursued: he began to run. Clumsily at first, due to the water, but pushing to try to get away from...from...whatever it was!
: The creature bumped into him again, groaning and struggling to reach the light pouring out of the flashlight, trying to bite at the arm holding it.
Aaron: He let out a cry of fright then, swinging that arm away in a panicked attempt to avoid that biting, darting through the water-filled cave.
: There were two paths open to him, one stretching ahead, and one stretching to his right, with the monster turning upon his back.
Aaron: Which to choose, which to choose?! There wasn't much time, and Aaron took off forward, running headlong down the pathway.
: After a turn to his right, he found himself staring at a dead-end wall, three stone and clay walls blocking his pathway further.
Aaron: He wanted to cry in frustration then, lip sticking out, chest heaving. In desperation, he smacked his hands against the wall before glancing back. He....would he have to go back the way he had come? Face that...that thing again?
: The pathway behind him was dark and quiet, the strange echoes of the creature long distant behind him.
Aaron: Shakily, he began the trek back, nervously looking every which way as he tried to map out where the other path was in conjunction to his.
: The path, now on his left, led him to another fork after a short walk, the creature wandering about lost behind him, confused by the shifting of the light. Once again, there was a path at one hand, and another straight ahead.
Aaron: Once more, he continued ahead, deciding not to veer off the path for another unless it proved necessary.
: And once again, he was punished for his choice, another creature awaiting him at the termination of the hall, practically jumping upon him and his flashlight.
Aaron: He was starting to regret even attempting to make choices, leaping back, head missing slamming into the wall by inches.
: The creature chased him down the hall, slogging as best it could behind him. Perhaps in a different setting, it's attempts to chase after him might have seemed pitiable.
Aaron: Panting, he bounded away, searching for that hallway off to the side once more, wanting to swing around it, hoping, hoping it would prove safer.
: Thankfully for the boy, he found the ladder leading up, away from the shambling grotesqueries behind him. However, once he climbed the ladder, he could hear the same shuffling feet, the creature slamming into the wall in it's blind confusion upstairs.
Aaron: He clung to the ladder for the moment, panting softly, trying to stem the sob that threatened to escape his lips. He had to continue but...
: The creature seemed to perk up at the sound of his tears, shambling towards him with a squwak.
Aaron: He sucked in his breath at the shuffling sound, trying to inch back, looking for an escape.
: Monsters above, monsters below. Aaron was alone, trapped on the ladder, stuck in a perdition of sorts, waiting only for some intervention or some courage from the depths of his soul.
Aaron: He wanted to cry. In fact, the urge was almost overhwelming to just sob and wait for Nebiros to save him.
...But Nebiros wasn't there.
Carefully he made his way up, sucking his breath in, not wanting to draw undue attention to himself.
: The light seemed to confuse the creature when it first broke over the floor, and it dropped, squeaking like the old springs in a mattress, and crawled about on the floor, trying to eat the light. As he climbed up, Aaron could see the glint of a brown bottle, what looked like an unopened drink.
Aaron: The creature frightened him, but he bounced the light off of the walls, edging away. Curiously, his eyes fell on that bottle, moving towards it.
: The creature tried it's best to catch the light before realizing where it was coming from, turning to Aaron to try to eat the light from him.
The bottle, once grabbed was simply labled "HEALTH DRINK", with only a red circle on the label.
Aaron: Gripping the bottle tightly in one hand he darted away, bouncing the light one last time.
: The creature fell behind, confused, as Aaron made it down the hall. As he continued, there was one long handprint, a smear of blood along the right side, continuing for several yards before fading.
Aaron: The bloody hallway was no more comforting than the cave had been. It was a little moreso, in fact. Trembling, he continued onwards, slowly picking his way, not wanting to arouse anything else's attention in his trek
: the hallway was, if anything, silent as a grave, his own footsteps thunderously loud on the floorboards as he walked, finally making his way round to another ladder down.
Aaron: "Another ladder..." he whispered, rubbing at his eyes once more before slowly but resolutely moving to descend it.
: Instead of a living creature this time when Aaron descended, he found a dead one, floating on top of the water, stomach cavity hollowed out utterly.
Aaron: ...That wasn't promising. At all. One hand clapped over his mouth to hide the hysterical scream that almost escaped him. Almost, but held at bay for the moment.
: The water was silent, the smell of blood faint in the clay walls, until he found another ladder, leading once again upwards.
Aaron: He was careful to remain as silent as possible, making his way to that ladder, quickly hefting himself upwards.
: In this hallway, he could see the faint outlines of two of those monsters, bumping and jostling one another, lost in the darkness.
Aaron: He tried not to catch their attention as he moved forward. Silent as possible.
: The creatures moved towards the light, bumping and jostling one another, slamming one nother into the walls in a desprate bid to beat the other to him.
Aaron: He panicked then, swinging the light away, attempting to bolt.
: The creatures blocked the hall, making him physically push past them, their flesh covering their bodies like dry balloon rubber, squeaking and scraping.
Aaron: he held back the terrified whimper as their flesh rubbed against his own, taking off headlong down that hallway.
: There this time was an actual door, requiring him to turn the knob. Once in the room, he could see a grated floor and metal walls, a jarring contrast to the unfinished house he had left. All he could hear was metallic clanging, both near and far, almost soothing.
Aaron: The clanging noise was...almost calming to the teenager, after so many horrors in such a short time. He let out a soft sigh, scrubbing the back of his hand against his hair, moving silently, farther into the room-
: Once he stood on the grated parts of the floor, he could see them; strange creatures hanging onto the grates, swinging back and forth like a child playing on monkey bars. Their bodies were a rosy mottled pink, like hot dogs, and when they got under the boy, the reached up, trying to trip him and poke holes in the soles of his shoes with their claws.
Aaron: He leapt upwards, staring down in horror at the hellish, simian like creatures. Not wanting to stand in one place long and risk being prodded, he took off for the other side of the room.
: The hallway snaked around until there was a small alcove on his opposite side, leading to a door further into the center of the area.
Aaron: He almsot felt confidence swelling as he continued. So far, after all, he had made it. But he didn't mistake confidence for arrogance, moving towards the door warily.
: Inside the room, a fan moved lazily, cutting the red light from the bulbs in cieling. At a table across the way, he could see a powerfully built man, a protective helmet of sorts on his head, working on sharpening a long, wickedly sharp blade to a fine shiny point.
Aaron: He stopped cold then, staring for a moment in curiosity...and then a cold horror at that sharp blade. Immediately he turned, bolting back the way he had come.
: The creature turned just as he turned to leave, revealing the helmet to extend far over his face, ending in a long triangular point over his chest. Sensing the interruption, he turned, the heavy sword clanging to the ground. It screeched across the floor as he dragged it behind him, moving to catch up to the boy.
Aaron: Aaron's heart was beating a mile a minute then. This creature was far more intimidating than anything else he had seen, and he did not want to try to dart around it or come too close.
: The monsters under the grates tried their best to reach out and grab him to knock him down as he ran, the scraping closer than he might have liked.
Aaron: The boy stumbled more than once, those scraping claws unsettling him. Letting out a cry of terror, he kicked at the grating before lunging back for that door.
: As he got there, the Pyramid-headed monster was just in front of him, holding it's blad behind him, attempting to drag it behind him as fast as he could to try to block the boy's chance of escape off.
Aaron: He skidded to a stop at the sudden appearance before him, staring in horror before backing away, another whimper leaving him
: The creature moved forward, hefting the blade to strike, blocking the doorway with its massive body.
Aaron: He whirled then, edgy, terrified, darting back, and then to the side. "Please!" he whined, just...wanting...OUT of there!
: There was a loud "CLANG!" and the grate shuddered, the weight of the sword quite mighty in the hands of the monster. It was slow to recover, but once again, began to stalk Aaron around the corridor.
Aaron: He was full on sobbing now, darting about like a cornered rabbit, waiting for an oppurtunity to try and dart past him, around him, anywhere that would lead to getting away!
: As he ran around the other side, he found the door free, the two monsters in the hallway huddled as far away from the door as possible without falling down the hole. As Aaron ran down, the door flew open, and the scraping was replaced with the splintering of wood as the newly sharpened knife was dragged across the ground.
Aaron: He would rather brave that hole again than the monster pursuing him. The cowering of those other creatures could only confirm that.
: They let him shove past, trying to huddle away from the monster that was coming, only to die moments later, as Aaron was halfway down the ladder. The first died silently, showering Aaron with burning hot blood. The second one screamed pitifully as the monster took hold of it, and from his vantage point, Aaron could see the pyramid headed monster's helmet, the back of it, bobbing in and out of the doorframe rapidly, his body repeatedly slamming into the other monster.
Aaron: He ducked his head at the splash of blood, whimpering once more before biting his lip, trying to stem the sound and draw the creature's attention. His last glance upward revealed that rapid movement, the sickening sound and without another word, he darted down that ladder, clinging to the framework, shaking.
: As he crawled through the dark water, he could hear one last anguished scream from the monster, and then a long, awful silence.
Aaron: It...it hadn't killed it right away...? Then what had it...
...sudden, horrified realization hit him, and the mental image of what could have happened forced him to keep going.
: The cave was silent, though once he returned to the ladder he had climbed previous, he found it completely absent, instead, being a hole seeming plowed through the wall from without.
Aaron: A...a hole? Curious, he cautiously moved forward, glancing about one last time for the ladder that had been there previously.
: This hole was small, barely large enough for him to crawl through on his hands and knees, almost full of water.
Aaron: It wasn't much...but it was something. Taking a deep breath, he started forward, slowly.
: The tunnel seemed to plow through a straight line, finally opening to another cave like the one he had left, a monster wandering lost on the other end of the hall.
: Aaron: He kept silent, carefully rising, staring at the monster in horror. He kept the light down, not wanting to attract it's attention as he looked for a way out.
: The ladder here seemed too, to be missing. The monster, however, took little notice of Aaron, wandering about blindly in the hole.
Aaron: Aaron continued slowly, searching desperately for that ladder, keeping the light down, glad for the monster's blind searching. Farther, trying to keep his distance.
: The ladder, if had ever been present here, was absent, vanished to that same place that the one previous had gone, forcing him to turn the corner and pass the creture down the hallway.
Aaron: Scared for that, Aaron pressed himself against the wall, trying to make himself blend in as he darted past.
: The creature paused at the halo of light behind Aaron, cocking it's head in puzzlement before tilting backwards, hips leading awkwardly.
Aaron: He bounced the light backwards once more, continuing onwards quickly, hoping it wouldn't pursue, giving it time to try and puzzle about the light while he made his escape.
: He felt a slight burn as the creature hurled a glob of acid to where he had been standing before, splattering and melting the wall beside him.
Aaron: He bit his lips so hard he could almost swear he tasted blood, moving away quickly, almost running now.
: The creature groaned and wandered after him jerkily, unable to catch up to him as he made it to another fork, one at his right hand and the other continuing staright.
Aaron: This time, he took the right fork, swinging down it quickly, hoping it would lead to someplace safer than where he was now.
: After another twist, he found himself at a dead end, the monster safely behind him. Something in the corner glinted in the water faintly, buried under muck.
Aaron: Curious at the glint, Aaron moved towards it, reaching out to take it, if he could.
: Buried under all the mire, he found a screwdriver, ice-cold from its rest in the lightless water.
Aaron: "What the..." he whispered to himself, clutching it tightly before glancing at the wall once more.
: The water flowed slowly around his feet, indicating that the creature had gone back to it's part of the warren.
Aaron: Curious, he made his way back to that fork slowly, peering down the other path before moving to take it.
: Here, as if the town was doing this to spite him, was the ladder, paint peeling from the shiny red surface. Once he reached the top, he found under his hand a newspaper, a big shoe print in mud covering most of the stories. The paper was somewhat out of date, ten years passed since publishing. This particular page had a "Dear Abby" column and a crossword puzzle.
Aaron: "What use is this? So old..." he wondered, reading what he could between the muddy footprint before continuing to climb
"De__ Abby,
I am _______ old girl, who is ____l living with ______rents. My f____ constantly abuses me, pus______own and ______ me when I displease him. My Mot________ates it, and tells me that it______ my fault. Am I really a bad girl?"
"___tim in _ilent Hill"
"Dear Victim,"
(the rest is unreadable.)
Aaron: He frowned at the words, feeling a pang before turning his thoughts from it, tightening his grip on these small collectibles he was amassing. Maybe they would come in handy
: The rest of the papers were stained in blood and mud, utterly unreadable, and making a trail to the door, one last note taped to the frame.
The bo____f a man later identified
as Thomas Oro_____Lumberjack,
ag_ ) was discovered in the
________________om lying fa_____.
The probable cause of dea____as
multiple stab wounds to the front
of the neck and the left side of
the torso by a sharp edged
weapon. The estimated____e of
death was somewhere between
10:30 p.____nd : midnight.
Due to signs of struggle in the
room and the lack of a murder
weapon, police are cons__ering
this a homicide and have
opened a murder investigation.
: Furthermore, given the fact that
the cash in the room was
untouched and Mr. Oro_____ad
a history of drunkenness and
violence, the polic______ect that
t_____tive was not robbery____
_________ of crime o______ion.
Aaron: He plucked at that paper, reading it carefully, brow furrowing. None of it made any sense, and it was frustrating! Why had it been taped to the door like that? He was curious now, moving closer to the door, listening intently.
: There was a faint rhythmic pumping behind the door, calm and rhythmic.
Aaron: Curious, and hating himself for it, he tried the door.
: The room was thick with the smell of blood. Laying in the center of the floor was a great beast, flesh trapped and stretched between two frames of wood. Laying face down, a television was laying over his face, shattered.
Aaron: He almost gagged at the smell, wanting to retch. The creature seemed bound though. Trapped by the frames there? A shattered television covered it's face...so with any luck it was dead. Aaron took a curious look around before starting to back away.
: The rest of the hallway was silent, the door at the other end locked with a large padlock.
Aaron: "..." Aaron let out a soft groan then as he stared at that door, tugging pathetically at the padlock a few times before turning away.
: The hall stretched out before him, reeking of old blood and dried mud.
Aaron: Wary blue eyes studied that padlock before turning to the screwdriver in his hand. Grimly, he glanced back over his shoulder before slipping the tip into the lock and twisting it about in an attempt at picking it.
: The lock resisted picking for a long time before finally cracking open, the insides now ruined. The hallway continued a long twisting hallway with a series of doors on either side.
Aaron: Quickly he slipped through the doorway and into the new hall, staring at the doors warily before moving towards the first, listening.
: There was little sound, save for the creaking of a heavy rope.
Aaron: Aaron was starting to learn that ominous sounds were ominous. Or not always so ominous. But nothing was to be taken for granted...maybe? Carefully, he tried the door.
: The room contained six empty nooses, hanging over the big black void that seemed to be deeper than just into the basement.
Aaron: Nooses...
That feeling on the back of his neck came back and after another glance around the room, and towards that chasm he fell back, wanting to close the door and try again.
: In the next room, the nooses remained, only this time hanging over a strong grate, protecting it from the void.
Aaron: He gave a soft yowl of disappointment, moving into the room a fraction, his hand remaining on the door, trying to peer into the grate.
: The darkness beyond seemed impenetrably dark and deep, almost like it was a physical thing, caged back.
Aaron: The darkness was different from what he had seen thus far, and more than a little intimidating. Warily, he glanced at the nooses before peering about for anything useful, wanting to try another door, find a way out, quickly.
: The third door led down a long staircase, seeming to go down forever. As he ran, the walls gradually became redder and redder until at the bottom, he found himself standing in an inch of congealing blood, coming from under the door.
Aaron: That...wasn't a good sign at all, and Aaron hung back, staring at the door, listening for any sound from within, barely holding back the urge to retch.
: Once he finally found the strength to open the door, he found that there were refrigeration units everywhere, all seemingly broken. A ragged and bloody skeleton lay against the tubes, skull shattered with a revolver bullet.
Aaron: Nothing alive, from the looks of it, but he was wary. Standing in the congealing blood wasn't exactly helping his courage either. After another glance about, he started to turn away.
: The door on the opposite side of the room opened up to an uncomfortably stiflingly humid room. A wave of rotten blood and meat washed over him as the seal was broken, blood rippling out across the room. There were rotting carcasses hanging from hooks in the cieling, meat slipping from the bones.
Aaron: He gave in to the urge to gag then, turning away, retching as she stink of the rotting carcasses and the rancid meat reached his nose. From the doorway, he peered within, eyes squinting, seeing if there was another door, or something to run from.
There had to be a way out somewhere...
: Nothing made itself immediately apparent, the room long and wide, clearly made for storing a lot of corpses.
Aaron: It was huge, reminding him of those warehouses back home that stored cattle...
He could only hope that they were cattle, even if common sense told him otherwise, based off of the skeletons. Giving a ragged sigh, he took a few steps forward, putting his sleeve before his face, trying to ward off the stench.
: As he walked, he could hear scraping behind him, the sound the sword made when the pyramid headed thing dragged it behind him.
Aaron: Aaron stopped cold where he was at that sound, those eyes growing wide as saucers. He didn't make a sound, turning, slowly glancing back, ready to bolt.
: The creature slammed the door shut after he had cleared it, putting his fingers inside of the small hole in the front of the carapace and shaking his head slowly, as if mocking the boy.
Aaron: If ever Aaron had wanted to cry it was now. He was alone with this thing, stuck in a room of blood and corpses. And it was mocking him! Shaking his head, the teen shrank back.
: It began to advance as he shrank back, moving just faster than the boy.
Aaron: "Please..." he whispered, moving back farther, wild eyed staring at the door behind the creature. With it there, he couldn't even hope to pass him, and he doubted the existance of an exit at the far end.
: If it had heard Aaron, it did not seem to care to heed his cries, moving to catch up to him.
Aaron: He turned then, unable to hold back that terror, bolting for the back of the room. At worst...at worst he would try to bolt around the creature if there were no exit.
: The doors had been padlocked on the other side, heavy chains hanging over the handles. The creature continued to amble along, seeming to know that it would win... eventually.
Aaron: He raced for those doors, drawing the screwdriver and jabbing it at the padlock desperately.
: The lock resisted his initial attempts, allowing the creature to catch up to him. Slowly, it reared back to swing.
Aaron: He jabbed at the lock once more, but as that arm reared back, like a rabbit he bolted away, trying to escape.
: The blade came down dangerously close to his body, and he could feel the air part for it. The monster was slow in recovering, allowing him the opportunity to escape to the other side of the room.
Aaron: With that moment he ran as fast as he could, not daring to glance back again as he flung himself at that door, moving to try and throw it open.
: The door refused to open as he pulled out, the monster having locked it as he entered. From the other side of the room, it again made the teasing motion at him before heading back for him slowly.
Aaron: He began to sob softly then, half tempted to just sit down and wait to be killed. But he forced the urge down, keeping the screwdriver in hand. It was slow to recover. If he could dodge it's swing he could bolt around it again...make another go at that padlock...
: The creature ambled towards him, reaching out to grab at his throat as he passed by.
Aaron: Desperately, he tried to dart around that lunging arm, almost stumbling.
: He felt a powerful hand brush past his shoulder, just missing his throat or clothing.
Aaron: He couldn't help sobbing then, the touch too close for comfort. "Please, just leave me alone!" and he was charging for the other side of the room once more, panting softly.
: Again, the monster ignored his plea, chasing after him slowly, but surely, dragging the monstrously large sword behind him.
Aaron: If he didn't get out of there, he was going to die. He knew that. Whimpering then, he slammed himself against the door, jabbing at that lock with the screwdriver, twisting it furiously.
: The screwdriver snapped in his hand, the metal part falling into the mire in front of the door, flashing just under the surface.
Aaron: "..." he wanted to cry. And he was already doing so. But he needed that part, and knelt just enough to snatch at it, glancing up to gauge the monster's approach
: The monster was almost upon him, again readying an overhead strike.
Aaron: He grabbed for the slippery metal and turned, attempting to dart away.
: the creature finished his swing before turning, walkig slowly back towards him, now growling angrily.
Aaron: He couldn't keep this up forever; they both likely knew that. He wasn't an athlete and adrenaline only took a person so far. But he would try, clutching that metal like a lifeline as he began the trek to the other side.
: Pyramid head grabbed out for him again, watching his movements carefully.
Aaron: Fingertips brushed at the back of his shirt, the hem of the neckline ripping as he lunged away.
: Pyramid head turned immediately, moving to catch up, walking faster now.
Aaron: This game was dangerous. He couldn't keep luring him from one side of the room to the other and expect to not tire himself out. But he continued, going in a wide arc, prepared to dart past him if the opportunity arose.
: The creature plowed forward, trying to keep Aaron from unlocking the door.
Aaron: Again that metal piece was jammed into the padlock and twisted. "please work, please work..."
: The blood made it hard for him to twist, the metal slipping around his fingers.
Aaron: He kept trying, clinging tighter as he metal started to slip.
: He felt the metal finally give, the lock falling apart in his hands.
Aaron: The lock was tossed violently aside, the chains ripped away as he threw the door open and lunged forward.
: The monster had caught up to him by then, bringing the knife out in a spearing motion, much faster than his overhead chop.
Aaron: He fell to the ground to avoid being sliced open, rolling away, attempting to make it to his feet.
: The creature swiped with is blade again, trying to incapacitate the boy as he was on the ground.
Aaron: He shrieked, dropping once more, skittering back.
: The monster advanced upon him hurriedly, trying to trap the boy on the docks, pinned between Pyramid and lake.
Aaron: ...He would take water over the other, moving back in a chaotic rush, forcing himself to his feet to lope for the docks.
: The air was chill, from the water below him, lapping softly on the wood. He could hear the wood splintering as the sword was dragged along, monster still hunting.
Aaron: The chill air made him shiver as much as his fear at the moment, but it was ignored. As big as it was, surely it couldn't swim! And he would take his chances, knowing what...what he had see it do to those other monsters! He threw himself forward on the dock and towards the edge.
: The water was shockingly cold, knocking the air out of his lungs as he fell into it, the light flickering out as it hit the water. He could see Pyramid Head standing above him, seeming to watch him darkly.
Aaron: He began to dog paddle away, out of reach, staring at Pyramid Head in horror. Gasping breaths were taken, forcing air in and out of his tired, shocked lungs. He was shivering now...but he was alive, at least...
: As he swam away from the docks, he could feel a strange isolation, like he was miles away from shore.
Aaron: It was...disconcerting, but he didn't lose his head yet, swimming slowly, not moving too fast, not wanting to exhaust himself.
: The water weighed upon his muscles heavily, cold seeping into his flesh. As he swam, he could get the impression that something was touching th sole of his shoe, softly but insistantly.
Aaron: He kicked gently, shivering more. The cold was numbing by now, and he didn't want to think about what might be touching him. Or...was he imagining it? It was hard to tell...
: He could see one light nearby, coming from a candle left flickering in the park he had left.
Aaron: As quickly as he could manage he made his way towards that flickering light, sucking in a painful breath.
: Every so often as he swam, he could get a sense of something tugging lightly on his pants.
Aaron: It was growing more insistent and tiredly, he glanced down, not sure he wanted to see what it was.
: In the darkness, he could see nothing, save for the black churning waters of the lake below.
Aaron: Maybe it was better that way, not being able to see it. Dog paddling, he tried to make his way towards where the light he had seen was
: IT would be difficult, but he would be able to pull himself over the railing and into the park proper, given the proper amount of struggle.
Aaron: It took more time than he wanted to admit, and he was beyond exhausted by that point, clinging to the railing like a lifeline as he stared back at the cold, black waters. But...at least he was outside again, instead of trapped indoors in a cave or something.
Shivering in earnest now he turned, wincing as he made his way away from the railing.
: The light flickering was over a little memorial, most fo teh words rubbed off long ago, the only words left being "little baroness"
Aaron: "Little baroness..." he murmured, reaching out to touch the air just over that memorial before pulling his hand away.
: The wind picked up around his body, making his clothing cling to him tightly.
Aaron: Trembling now, Aaron wrapped his arms about himself, clutching, wishing for all the world he were home safe in bed...or at the very least in possesion of warm clothing. Still, he was alive, and that was better than a corpse back in that...that room! He just had to keep going...maybe find Ocelot...