Okay. I'm caving. It's short, but it's an excerpt. To celebrate that I'm almost done with my first chapter (!!). Not to mention that not everyone needs to see how
obsessed I really am. Oi.
The problem is, really, that not every woman can live out her fairytale. On the bright side, women's fairytales are very different - more mature, if you will - for if women never grew out of their childhood fantasies, the market on handsome princes would be severely compromised. It is just one of the many basic Facts of Life that not every pretty young lady - and not-so-pretty as well - can meet and marry a knight in shining armor on a white steed to be carted off to a domestic heaven of marital bliss.
Odds do, however, increase when Prince Charming need not be royal, handsome, rich, or charming.
It's just the way life is.
... :3 *dies of anxiety*