So uh.
My mom had
cluster headaches for years. They happen cyclical and seasonally, always during spring. Hormone/stress-affected, there is no direct genetic link that says that there would be an XX% chance of the child getting it if the parent has it, but if a child gets it and the parent had it, then you know where it came from, you know?
Right. So.
I'm genetically very similar to my mother. Still, I was always very lucky, because I rarely ever got headaches. And my mom previously thought (incorrectly) that because she got her cluster headaches when she was 18, that I was home safe.
Wrong. They can start anytime at all at any age.
Let's look at all the reasons why I would Not Want To Have Cluster Headaches:
☣ there's no cure
☣ there isn't any medication that makes this any better, let alone go away
☣ except for one, Imitrex, for which 9 pills cost upwards of $600
☣ no one does any research on this, ever, because it's so rare
☣ it's also why the insurance will only cover 9 pills a month
☣ experts believe that it may be the most severe pain known to medical science
☣ more severe, in fact, than giving birth
☣ so imagine, if you will, giving birth without anesthetic once or twice a day, for six, eight, or ten weeks at a time before you get a break
☣ the pain tends to be on one side of the head, behind the eye or the temple and can spread, and tends to feel like a red, hot poker being stabbed into the eye
☣ or the eye being pulled out of its socket
☣ they've been nicknamed "suicide headaches" because the pain of these headaches was so severe that they could take normal men and force them to kill themselves
☣ in fact, during these periods in spring, the people afflicted have in the past been put on suicide watch to make sure they wouldn't kill themselves just to take the pain away
☣ it never ends, ever, through one's life
☣ they can also make your whole face go numb, swell up, and make you more sensitive to light/sound
☣ lying down makes it worse
☣ medication does not help
So, uh.
I had my first one last night. (remember when I felt my head would split in half? yeeaaaah. couldn't focus on anything my head hurt so badly 8Db)
Another around midday.
Predicting another coming tonight at the same time as last night, around midnight.
So apparently mine happen in 12 hour cycles.
That's. Nice.
you have no idea how much my head hurts
"Mommy" (8:59:46 PM): Kutner just killed himself
"Mommy" (8:59:52 PM): In House
emergency sushi (9:00:14 PM): gjldfjlsk;agjljfkl;sajlfk
emergency sushi (9:00:14 PM): WHAT
emergency sushi (9:00:15 PM): WHAT
emergency sushi (9:00:16 PM): WHAT
emergency sushi (9:00:18 PM): HOW COULD YOU
emergency sushi (9:00:22 PM): SPOILER ME FOR THIS?!?!?!?!
emergency sushi (9:00:23 PM): FDLKSAJ;GFKL;DSAJKLGJ;LSFK
emergency sushi (9:00:24 PM): GJKLFJSKL;DAJAKL;GJLK;FSDAJLK;
"Mommy" (9:00:28 PM): OHHH???
"Mommy" (9:00:31 PM): did I
emergency sushi (9:00:32 PM): LKA;GJJFKDLSJKGLJKLDFJDSKLA
emergency sushi (9:00:33 PM): YES
"Mommy" (9:00:36 PM): spoiler you???
emergency sushi (9:00:40 PM): YES
"Mommy" (9:00:42 PM): I'm so sooo sorry
emergency sushi (9:00:42 PM): SO BADLY
emergency sushi (9:00:44 PM): FLKA;JGLJFLSDLF;S