sometimes, violence is the only option

Feb 23, 2009 00:16

I fear this is going to be a long and disjointed entry both I have a lot to say.

webcamming with ane. talking to sci. chatting with the whole gang. going out to see coraline. making more friends. actually doing stuff and spending time with said friend. getting to go to target. michelle's mom. "I like your bunny ears" "me too!" getting my test back and getting an A. heine at capeandcowl. the chinese super kiss. got wisdom. buying potato chips for the first time in 8+ years for the lulz. finishing my paper. figuring out where I stand. finally, slowly, revamping my icons. matt/mamori forever. gjsakghfjdsa goofing off with ane forever. heero/light oh good god what are we. going into white plains. my friends. talking to fagrskinnaagain. gundamn/desu noto otp. actually just watching gundamn too. new eyeshield. halle. emmy is so moe. surprise butt sects. being nami's only uke. skyping with dre. fruit roll ups. yamamoto and gukudera muns at capeandcowl who are jflkajgkdf both amazing oh god. friends.year of smiles | D A Y 0 0 17-22

I need to go out of my way to thank certain people for reasons I'm sure they're well-aware of as it is. Namely, memoryofpride, stutterbird, caress_the_gun, flipbeter, fagrskinna, and kitsoru, for being so incredibly supportive xx;


♐ Available: Nope
♐ Age: 21
♐ Annoyance: Way too many to list.
♐ Allergies: I hate everything cats, dogs, all trees, all grasses, pollen, dust mites, hay, milk, lactose, zucchini, chocolate, strawberries, oranges, shrimp, carrots, peas, string beans, blueberries, aspartame, nickel, corn, and I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting a few things.
♐ Animal: Cheetah
♐ Actor: Eva Green


♐ Beer: German
♐ Birthday/Birthplace: January 4th, 1988, Ellwangen, Baden-Württemburg, Germany
♐ Best Friends: thanatoast, jesslared, to keep the list short as possible
♐ Body part on opposite sex: … why opposite sex? Fuck you, meme.
♐ Best feeling in the world: happiness
♐ Blind or Deaf: blind
♐ Best weather: rain pattering on the window when you don't have to go out all day
♐ Been in Love: yes
♐ Been bitched out?: yes
♐ Been on stage?: yes
♐ Believe in yourself?: yes
♐ Believe in life on other planets: small bacteria and such, yes
♐ Believe in miracles: no
♐ Believe in Magic: no
♐ Believe in God: no
♐ Believe in Satan: no
♐ Believe in Santa: no
♐ Believe in Ghosts/spirits: yes
♐ Believe in Evolution: yes


♐ Car: purple 2004 Chrysler PT Cruiser named Rufus
♐ Candy: chocolate
♐ Color: purple
♐ Cried in school: yes
♐ Chocolate/Vanilla: vanilla
♐ Chinese/Mexican: Chinese
♐ Cake or pie: pie
♐ Countries to visit: JAPAN, Germany again, England again, Sweden, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Italy again, France again, Greece, Egypt, Australia, Mexico, Canada again. Uh. This is the condensed list.


♐ Day or Night: Night oh god how is this even a contest
♐ Dream vehicle: fully outfitted Back to the Future-style DeLorean. No, I'm not kidding. I actually really want to own one of these someday.
♐ Danced: eh? I don't dance.
♐ Dance in the rain?: except maybe in the rain, that is acceptable
♐ Dance in the middle of the street?: I would prefer not to get hit by a car.
♐ Do the splits?: can't D:


♐ Eggs: yum
♐ Eyes: mine are my favorite part of me? they also can't decide what color they are
♐ Everyone has: dreams
♐ Ever failed a class?: nope


♐ First crush: his name was Andreas-- mind you this was like, back in Kindergarten, and I invited him to my birthday party. Tons of girls and him… and his friend, because I didn't want him to feel awkward being the only guy. I ended up getting all the girls (and his friend, mind you) to chase him around the room in order for them to pin him down so I could kiss him. Mm. I was an interesting child.
♐ Full name: that's not really too internet-safe gaiz :|
♐ First thoughts waking up: n-nein
♐ Food: yes plz


♐ Greatest Fear: insects/arachnids fjdklajgklfds
♐ Giver or taker: giver \o/
♐ Goals: way too many to list
♐ Gum: german orbitz > any other
♐ Get along with your parents?: one of them
♐ Good luck charms: nope!


♐ Hair Colour: blonde
♐ Height: 5'3"
♐ Happy: most of the time
♐ Holidays: Christmas ♥
♐ How do you want to die: I honestly don't know
♐ Health freak?: regarding some things, yes
♐ Hate: my father


♐ In guys/girls: Eye Color: gray
♐ In guys/girls: Hair Color: dark
♐ In guys/girls: Height: tall
♐ In guys/girls: Clothing Style: casually dressy
♐ In guys/girls: Characteristics: vibrancy, ability to keep up with me, not making me feel like ass
♐ Ice Cream: banana
♐ Instrument: piano jfdasgjklfds ♥


♐ Jewelry: earrings
♐ Job: I wish


♐ Kids: I hate kids
♐ Kickboxing or karate: kickboxing
♐ Keep a journal?: an lj. I used to keep a journal every day for years and years but I stopped about two years ago or so.


♐ Longest Car Ride: trips to Orlando, FL from Kansas City, I guess
♐ Love: love
♐ Letter: J
♐ Laughed so hard you cried: last night
♐ Love at first sight: of course not


♐ Milk flavor: strawberry
♐ Movie: Back to the Future
♐ Mooned anyone?: on a dare
♐ Marriage: maybe
♐ Motion sickness?: all the time
♐ McD's or BK: BK


♐ Number of Siblings: 1
♐ Number of Piercings: 2
♐ Number: 7


♐ Overused Phrases: You know?
♐ One wish: this is a secret
♐ One phobia: arachnophobia


♐ Place you'd like to live: so many places. It depends.
♐ Pepsi/Coke: coke, though I haven't had soda in years.


♐ Quail: eh?
♐ Questionnaires: I hate these things. /glares at supergabbie


♐ Reason to cry: too many lately
♐ Reality T.V.: oh god no get it away from me
♐ Radio Station: not anymore
♐ Roll your tongue in a circle?: yes!


♐ Song: right now? holiday road by matt pond. favorite? probably this charming man by the smiths.
♐ Shoe size: 8
♐ Skipped school: just in college
♐ Slept outside: mmmmmyes
♐ Seen a dead body?: no
♐ Smoked?: no
♐ Skinny dipped?: yes
♐ Shower daily?: no
♐ Sing well?: fffffffffffffffffffffft hahahaha
♐ In the shower?: no
♐ Swear?: yes
♐ Stuffed Animals?: not really
♐ Single/Group dates: single
♐ Strawberries/Blueberries: strawberries
♐ Scientists need to invent: hovercrafts


♐ Time for bed: 5am
♐ Thunderstorms: ♥
♐ Touch your tongue to your nose?: oh christ no


♐ Unpredictable: depends
♐ Under the influence?: never
♐ Understanding?: I try to be


♐ Vegetable you hate: ehhhhhhhhhh nothing anymore really
♐ Vegetable you love: oh god so many. Idk. zucchini!
♐ Vacation spot: anywhere that isn't kansas


♐ Weakness: approval
♐ When you grow up: I hope I never do
♐ Which one of your friends acts the most like you: oh god uhhhh Ed and I are pretty alike. same with Sci now that I think about it.
♐ Who makes you laugh the most: the people at CnC
♐ Worst feeling: rejection
♐ Wanted to be a model?: uh. I'm 5'3"
♐ Where do we go when we die: I don't know
♐ Worst weather: too hot/too cold
♐ Walk with a book on your head?: oh god no


♐ X-Rays: … what about them?


♐ Year it is now: 2009
♐ Yellow: used to be my favorite color. what is it with these questions.


♐ Zoo animal: cheetah
♐ Zodiac sign: capricorn

1. Slept in a bed beside you?: uhhhh. probably my mom.
2. Last person to see you cry?: I don't really let anyone other than my mom see me cry.
3. Went to the movies with you?: Lauren and Michelle! we saw coralline 8D
4. You went to the mall with?: also Lauren and Michelle!
5. You went to dinner with?: oh god that was forever ago uhhh probably my mom and my sister? idkkk
6. You talked to on the phone?: mom
7. Made you laugh?: mom


♐ Available:
♐ Age:
♐ Annoyance:
♐ Allergies:
♐ Animal:
♐ Actor:


♐ Beer:
♐ Birthday/Birthplace:
♐ Best Friends:
♐ Body part on opposite sex:
♐ Best feeling in the world:
♐ Blind or Deaf:
♐ Best weather:
♐ Been in Love:
♐ Been bitched out?:
♐ Been on stage?:
♐ Believe in yourself?:
♐ Believe in life on other planets:
♐ Believe in miracles:
♐ Believe in Magic:
♐ Believe in God:
♐ Believe in Satan:
♐ Believe in Santa:
♐ Believe in Ghosts/spirits:
♐ Believe in Evolution:


♐ Car:
♐ Candy:
♐ Color:
♐ Cried in school:
♐ Chocolate/Vanilla:
♐ Chinese/Mexican:
♐ Cake or pie:
♐ Countries to visit:


♐ Day or Night:
♐ Dream vehicle:
♐ Danced:
♐ Dance in the rain?:
♐ Dance in the middle of the street?:
♐ Do the splits?:


♐ Eggs:
♐ Eyes:
♐ Everyone has:
♐ Ever failed a class?:


♐ First crush:
♐ Full name:
♐ First thoughts waking up:
♐ Food:


♐ Greatest Fear:
♐ Giver or taker:
♐ Goals:
♐ Gum:
♐ Get along with your parents?:
♐ Good luck charms:


♐ Hair Colour:
♐ Height:
♐ Happy:
♐ Holidays:
♐ How do you want to die:
♐ Health freak?:
♐ Hate:


(In guys/girls)
♐ Eye Color:
♐ Hair Color:
♐ Height:
♐ Clothing Style:
♐ Characteristics:
♐ Ice Cream:
♐ Instrument:


♐ Jewelry:
♐ Job:


♐ Kids:
♐ Kickboxing or karate:
♐ Keep a journal?:


♐ Longest Car Ride:
♐ Love:
♐ Letter:
♐ Laughed so hard you cried:
♐ Love at first sight:


♐ Milk flavor:
♐ Movie:
♐ Mooned anyone?:
♐ Marriage:
♐ Motion sickness?:
♐ McD's or BK:


♐ Number of Siblings:
♐ Number of Piercings:
♐ Number:


♐ Overused Phrases:
♐ One wish:
♐ One phobia:


♐ Place you'd like to live:
♐ Pepsi/Coke:


♐ Quail:
♐ Questionnaires:


♐ Reason to cry:
♐ Reality T.V.:
♐ Radio Station:
♐ Roll your tongue in a circle?:


♐ Song:
♐ Shoe size:
♐ Sushi:
♐ Skipped school:
♐ Slept outside:
♐ Seen a dead body?:
♐ Smoked?:
♐ Skinny dipped?:
♐ Shower daily?:
♐ Sing well?:
♐ In the shower?:
♐ Swear?:
♐ Stuffed Animals?:
♐ Single/Group dates:
♐ Strawberries/Blueberries:
♐ Scientists need to invent:


♐ Time for bed:
♐ Thunderstorms:
♐ Touch your tongue to your nose?:


♐ Unpredictable:
♐ Under the influence?:
♐ Understanding?:


♐ Vegetable you hate:
♐ Vegetable you love:
♐ Vacation spot:


♐ Weakness:
♐ When you grow up:
♐ Which one of your friends acts the most like you:
♐ Who makes you laugh the most:
♐ Worst feeling:
♐ Wanted to be a model?:
♐ Where do we go when we die:
♐ Worst weather:
♐ Walk with a book on your head?:


♐ X-Rays:


-Year it is now:


♐ Zoo animal:
♐ Zodiac sign:

1. Slept in a bed beside you?:
2. Last person to see you cry?:
3. Went to the movies with you?:
4. You went to the mall with?:
5. You went to dinner with?:
6. You talked to on the phone?:
7. Made you laugh?:

That having been said, before I return to skimming notes for ten minutes in preparation for my test tomorrow morning bright and early at 8:30am...


the whole CD


oh and I bought the most AMAZING coat today sweet jesus salivate over the steampunky goodness here



I want to use it for cosplay somehow but. I don't know how yet. But I will. Either way. It's stunning. And for about $70 it's mine. Yeah. YEAH.


meme answer things can happen in another entry after I wax on about uhhh sexuality too uhhhhhhhh for now I need to go curl up with my heating pad and try not to die x_x;;;;

rp: cape & cowl, memery, rl, rl: tl;dr, other: year of smiles, other: cosplay, rl: my friends are weird (but awesome)

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