Sep 29, 2005 14:56
So yesterday I went down to the Nurses' office with a horrible back pain and a worse pain when I breathe too deeply. They tod me I had a bookbag that was WAAAY too heavy for me and that I should go back to class (probably thought I was nuts). Later on in the day, I was at lunch with Brian, Charlette (sorry, sweetie...I never spell your name rightT_T), Eugina, Justin, Josiah and some kid I dont know the name of (he's a baby-sitter's (well, USED TO BE babysitter ^_^) nephew, so I've seen him around before--and I kicked his ASS in Goldeneye) Anyways, I started wincing and crying and Charlette finally put her foot down and helped me hobble my ass upstairs again. The nurses had me lay down on an ice-pack for 20 min. Now, first off, nurses' and doctor's offices are always freakin' FREEZING and then I'm lying on an ice-pack with nothing but a tank-top on! They asked me why I was so cold. -_- *RAWR!*
So, after school Kerrie came over and finished the list of songs she needed for her party on Saturday (Costum Party!! I'm going as a guy, Seff's going as a girl...hee hee!). When her mother picks her up, my mom hikes us over to Pascak Vally (sp?). We only had to wait 5 min, then they asked me all those questions (I kicked mom out for all those really secret ones, though *wink*), told me my blood pressure was high ("Are you nervous sweetie?" is my 3rd hospital escapade in 2 years, actially ^^) and handed me the little piss-cup and sent me on my way. Turns out I have an infection and I'm on something that turns my pee Easter-egg-dye orange (what a sight!! scared the SHIT outta me when I first saw that!), another one that calms my bladder down and helps the burning and then *drum-rolls* Tylenol with CODINE!! wooo!!
Today, I spend the day home (doctor's orders) sleeping and when I am awake, I'm high as a kite (God Bless Codine!)
Ok, so that's the medical bit. Here's another story:
In chorus yesterday, I'm talking to Kim, a girl who sits next to me, about how "my fiancee was singing this song (Once Upon A December, in case you really want to know)when I was falling asleep and when I woke up, iI just kept singing from where he left off." Kims exclaimes, "FIANCEE?!" (Actually, it was more like "fi-ANCEE" but who cares?) Anyways, Mrs. Way, our teacher, turns around and is like "Fiancee? Who's getting married?" [Kim points at me] "Do your parents know about this?" So I say that yeah, they know we want to and at this point, the entire class (all 49 girls and 1 boy--hi, Anthony!!) are staring at me like I've got corn stalks growing out of my ears, so I do what any mature woman in society whould do........I cover my face and yell, "OH MY GAWD, STOP STARING AT ME!!"
Kim's beating herself up 'case I was so embarrassed. I, honestly, never gave her a thought, but she's sorta nice. I could definitly get used to her. I'm healed least until rumours start flying (some asshole's gonna start in about me being pregnant and getting married only for that or something....and I'm NOT, by the way)
*sigh* I want Seff to come home so I have someone to play was me, Maya (puppy), Wanda, Whiskey and Momma (cats) and the fish one else
to play with. I wathed an hour and a half of baby shows, one and a half rounds of Maury and "Knitty Gritty" on the DIY channel.
Ok, I'm gonna close with one more story, then I'm going to knitt or something...
After the bon fire on Friday, Seff ended out sleeping over (yay!). We passed out in the middle of the living room floor. Maya, the stupid dog, licks my face at, like...4:00AM. This scares the SHIT outta me and I end out flailing my arms and smacking poor Seff in the kidney......was that some sorta forshadowing?
ok, that's it...I hurt..time for more drugs^_^
Bye, all!!