[Link stands in the maze's aft stairwell, talking to the people interested in exploring it. Finally, he makes another public text post:]
Alright. I'm at the back stairs. If you want to come, meet there and group together. I'm going to head in now. Be careful, we don't know what might be at the end of this.
[He puts his communicator in his pocket
Read more... )
((Aw. She was hoping to go with Link... oh well. She looks around timidly. ))
I'm not a fighter... but I can light the way and drive away evil... would anyone like to come with me?
I would love to join you.
[OMG SHE GETS TO EXPLORE THE MAZE. She's all excited. She also brought a little bag of stuff, just in case someone got burnt, maimed, killed, mauled, disfigured, exploded, raped hurt or hungry]
We haven't met face-to-face, but I think I know your voice...?
((Gee someone who could fight would really be nice. COME ON GUYS WHO'S GOING TO ESCORT THE PRETTY GIRLS IN THE DUNGEON???))
Oh, my name is Mimmi. I believe we have talked before..
[Ya, guys. Gonna let some poor, defenseless girls walk around all by themselves?]
Yes, the last time I was in a maze, I brought supplies. But it was a long way there, and many floors. I don't think we will be in this one for days, do you?
[ 8| ]
[She's pretty confident about that]
I am good with finding my way around places.
Ah, is there room for one more?
Absolutely! I can't fight, so if we run into any trouble...
[It'll be nice to have a man around to protect them. And he looks like he's used to adventuring.]
My name is Ki. It's nice to meet you!!
[Yay, more people!]
I am Mimmi. You are... Sheik?
[Oh look, she remembered someone by their voice]
It's... it's nice to meet you both.
[Ki? Oh... great.]
I suppose we should get going.
((She boldly enters the maze, far more curious than afraid. It didn't seem like the sort of place creatures of evil would be lurking.))
[And they were off on an adventure! Into the maze she went, her small pack of supplies in hand. She'd wanted to explore the maze since she'd heard about it. They'd get to the end in back in no time. She was quite positive about that]
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