Still alive

May 23, 2010 14:48

Just thinking the other day that I haven't posted in a long while. Looks like since last year. Life has been busy So, here's a quick run down.

I've made some friends here and got going to Glee night with some friends, got playing Magic on a weekly basis with the friends, and got into a local monthly gaymer night too. It's a fun group and a good time. Nice to have a social life. I headed back to Buffalo a couple weeks ago to visit my mom, fix her computer, went through stuff I left behind to see what she could put in her garage sale, visit friends and family, and sent my Magic cards I left behind (didn't think I'd get to play so only had a few decks with me in AZ) so I'd have them to play with. Sadly, the weather sucked.

Settled into my job at work and one of the admins left not too long after which moved me into an "acting admin" position to fill his spot. (In other words, most of the admin work on a tech's pay.) It got me some training and got the guys used to coming to me. They filled his position with someone from another department though so I had to wait until one of the other admins moved to a new position and I was finally offered an admin position. Six month, and I've gotten a promotion (tho I'm still waiting on the paperwork to finish so I'll be salary and get my raise). I've been moved to a 5pm to 2am Tuesday to Saturday shift though. This means I now miss out on the social events I listed above until I get a new schedule. *sigh*

Other things of note: Still single and having trouble actually meeting people. Everyone says they want to meet but few will make plans. I finally have a smart phone so I can text and other fun stuff. Found a good local comic shop with some good people there. (And one really cute but straight worker.) I have a gym membership again. I got going to the gym for a while and once I adjust to this new schedule, I'll get back in there again. There's no bear group here as there was back home and no bear nights either. Not much in good gay places to go for music and dancing that I've heard either.

Guess that's about it for now. Hope everyone is good. I'm more active on Facebook and Twitter nowadays if you want to catch me there but still don't check in there as much as I should. Feel free to catch me somewhere if you want and if you have any questions about what's going on, let me know.

Hugs, all!

job, arizona, social, magic, comics

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