What a weekend!

Jun 08, 2008 21:09

It's been a busy but fun weekend. It started with running out to pick up to come visit. I made it there following the "take this exit, turn this way, follow this fork, etc" directions I got online. On the way back, I recognized a building and realized where I actually was and knew the interstate was right nearby so I hopped on that and headed home instead. We watched a couple DVDs until he fell asleep so just got some sleep them for the next morning. We watched some cartoons and then did some running to find a PS2 game (Monster Rancher Evo) and picked up a pizza. We got back and played with the game some and then I took him back. After that, I came home to relax, played some EQ2, and then played some more of the game.

This morning, I slept in some and then got up to get ready. I played a little EQ2 while I had breakfast and then signed off to shave my head (it'd been a little bit) and shower up before going to Pride. I found a decent spot on a side street a lot of people don't seem to try like I do ever year and then headed to where the festivities happened at the end of the parade. There, I ran into my aunt and her girlfriend so we chatted a bit before I wandered around. Didn't see anyone I know so I headed over to get a spot to take pics, stopping at Starbucks to get a cold drink as it was damn hot out. We were predicted to have thunderstorms last Thursday through tomorrow. We had some rain Thursday night but nothing really since. I was afraid it would rain today but thankfully it didn't. I took a lot of pics as the parade went through. I had forgotten that the theme was "heroes" this year. Thankfully, I wore my Flash t-shirt today. The bears did a great float but only get second place to AIDS Community Services who had no float and just had a truck and a bunch of people around it. Whether it was political in favor of ACS or if it was someone against the bears who won the last 3 years simply because they are one of the few people who actually did any work on it, I don't know. (ACS is a good organization but this wasn't a judging of that.) There were lots of cute guys around, a number of them shirtless due to the heat. A lot of people were getting red, myself included. We had fun and I took more pics. Afterward, I headed over to where the bears were having a cookout. Had fun just hanging out with everyone. Got to meet a cute guy Ryan who is new to the area that I had chatted a little on Bear411. He seems like a great guy and I hope to get to hang out more with him.

I got home just a little while ago and put some Noxema over the red areas and am just going to relax now. I'll work on resizing and cleaning up the pics during the week. Total count from the transfer: 136. I'll have to see how many are worth using. My feet and most of my body are killing me so time to rest.

pride, social

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