Staying in

Jun 26, 2007 13:19

It is WAY too hot and muggy out there today. (87°/feels like 89° with 49% humidity according to I'd have guessed worse.) My worker said it was when she got back from lunch but I didn't realize how bad til I went out there. ICK! So, I'm sitting at my desk having lunch instead. Both bosses are gone too so it's pretty quiet in here anyway.

Had a good time Saturday hanging out with deafguy. We ended up watching Constantine, Blade Trinity, and Matrix Revolutions. I ordered a pizza from Pizza Hut, but they screwed up the order (beyond taking much longer than they said) so I have a free pizza waiting for me when I want to get it. Other than that, it was a pretty quiet weekend.

My right wrist and elbow have been bothering me some so I stayed away from gaming last night to rest it. I relaxed in the living room, read some CBR comics, tried to watch a movie but just couldn't get into any, and chatted online. It was a nice relaxing night.

I can't believe my trip to San Diego is less than a month away now. (I fly out a month from yesterday.) Will really be looking forward to it but a little nervous too. Hope I can keep my anxiety under control.

Not much else going on. Still waiting to see if we got next week Wednesday off. Nothing in the company calendar about it yet. If we do, I might head to see Transformers. I figure that enough people will be at gatherings and off seeing fireworks that it won't be too busy later on. Just feel like I need something interesting to go on in my life right now.

weather, social, comic con

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