What a weekend!

Jun 11, 2006 23:32

Went home Friday after work and just relaxed. I needed it after how crazy things were that day. Got up Saturday and headed to pick up allamericanbear and head to Darien Lake/Six Flags. We got there just as our friends Steve and Fred did too. They brought a couple friends of theirs along, Ed and Steve. (The "new" steve was quite handsome and had a very nice build on him.) We went and waited for the others to show up including lukebacca, Dan, Dave, Chris, Ben, Alan and Rob who all came from Rochester. A good time was had by all tho there were a number of ride issues while there.

  • While waiting to go on the Ride of Steel, we saw the Predator break down and they had to get the people off it and walk them back down the track. (They got it up and running later)
  • Three of our group ended up not being able to fit into the straps for the Ride of Steel so ended up having to get off the ride. :( After riding it, they definitely would have needed that support tho!
  • Went to the Ranger and that was just shut down.
  • Mind Eraser kept breaking down. One large guy (not with us) got stuck when they tried to close the harnesses and they have to get maintainance to take apart his seat to get him out since the latch was stuck. (Took the guy 2 trips to his office to finally bring the right tools.)
  • The Twister broke down with 3 of our group on it. Some chick in the front row of seats was demanding a free sweatshirt for her "pain and suffereing". They were only sitting there 5-10 minutes at most.

It was pretty sad. It was also windy which made out eating situation quite interesting. Overall, we had a good time tho. I rode on 3 rollercoasters: The Ride of Steel, The Viper, and the Predator. Also went on Grizzly Run (a water ride) and a number of other ones. We got Steve from Rochester his stuff Gossamer that he wanted. I got to make some new friends and have a really good time tho.

After Darien Lake, I dropped Darrin off and went home to rest after calling jlyon1515. He cam in from Rochester around 9:40 pm and we headed of to bear night. It was really cool to meet him and hang out with him. Looking forward to it again. Bear Night's music was a lot better than usual too. (Different DJ) We left the bar around 2 am or so, headed back to my place, chatted for a bit, and then got some sleep. Neither of us really wanted to head out to where some of the guys were meeting for brinch so we hit IHOP instead and then came back to watch the 4th Harry Potter movie. After that, he headed home, and I went to take a nap.

Hopped into City of Villains to play for a bit. Game still crashes frequently on zoning. Wish they would fix that. Had fun playing with my friends again. Had a full team which made things interesting. Even ended up leveling my characters.

I managed to get the Ren Fair pics and the Buffalo Pride Parade pictures up on FLickr though in case anyone wants to take a look

Back to work tomorro. I really need some sleep tho. So, off to bed.

local, coh, darien lake, bear night, pictures

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