As the weekend winds down

May 22, 2006 01:02

Well, it's almost bed time. Been relaxing today and watching TV, napping, playing with the kitties, and playing EQ2.

Mom's doing better today. Spent a few hours with her last night. We watched the Buffalo Sabres win (mostly due to the goalie doing a great blocking job) and then watched the end of Blade II that was on some channel. She's got to call her doctor in the morning.

Watched a couple movies while I fiddled around in EQ2 today. Just wanted a day of relaxation and nothing to worry about. Got that and it was nice. Got a bunch of little side projects in EQ2 that I've wanted to do done that I've put off as not being overly productive. Now I don't want to have to go back in to work tomorrow. :)

Had a couple interesting dreams involving a couple people from my friends list the past couple nights. I won't get into details but I'll just say they were quite fun. *eg*

It was sad for tonight to be the final episode of Charmed. After 8 years of it (actually, I think I got into it part way into season 2), I'll miss having it on. This season started out pretty lame but ended up getting better. I think they did a great job with the final episode. I loved all the time skipping and people learning stuff with a few revelations as to what the post-show future would be like. We get to see Wyatt without the evil infuence. He was quite cute too. I loved when he slipped on "Uncle Coup!" hehe And the close of the show with Piper's granddaughter closing the door with Pru's ability like Pru did at the end of the first show was cool too. There are definitely a lot of kids running around tho. (There were 3 each if I counted correctly - Piper: 2 boys and 1 girl, Phoebe: 3 girls, Paige: 1 boy and 2 twin girls) About the only thing that would have made the show better would have been if they had somehow been able to bring Pru back too. I wonder if they tried to get Shannon Doherty to come back for the show or not. I think they had all the major recent characters back other than Cole who was finally vanquished for good and Darryl who broke ties with them at the end of the prior season. Overall, I liked it a lot and had no complaints (other than the little bit of bad acting when Billie killed her sister) about the show. They better find a good show to replace it.

Now off to bed for me...

charmed, eq2, mom, dreams

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