Busy time

Dec 05, 2005 08:55

Well, I had a busy weekend. Friday, I went out to meet a few friends (Lee, Nate, James, and Sandy) at a comedy club. Ended up running into an old professor of mine while I was waiting for them to get there. The comedians were good other then the MC who sucked ass. Saturday, I had had tentative plans to get together with someone for lunch but hadn't heard back from him. Turns out he ended up having to work so we're going to try again this week. (We were thinking dinner tonight but I've got a bunch to do and am beat so I might try for later this week instead.)

Yesterday, I met mrwhistlebear, meggert6902, ldante, and Nate to see Aeon Flux. I hadn't seen the original cartoon or comic but enjoyed it more than I thought I would. We then went to a Chinese Buffet to eat which was better than expected. I guess I'm just used to the prepared meals which I've only ever liked from one place before and not even all their stuff there. I was going to head home and do laundry but I wasn't in the mood so I played EQ2 for a bit before my CoV night. Just for the Hell of it, I turned on ICUII to see if I had any messages. (Will cover what happened there in a sec.) Got into CoV a little late after I got caught up trying to finish an EQ2 quest and then had to wait on a COH/V patch. Ended up put on the Mercy Island group even though my character had been ready for Port Oakes since before the prior session. Well, 2 of the 5 people crashed so the other 2 went off to finish some Mercy stuff and I joined the other team so progress my character.

Now, as for ICUII, I popped on and responded to a couple messages that I had gotten when I was trying to get it all installed when I redid the laptop. Saw a couple people I hadn't seen in a while and chatted with them too. Ended up chatting with a few other people too that messaged me or that looked interesting. Even caught f__k and hawthornecub on and had good chats with them. Talked with one local guy I hadn't chatted with before and had a really nice time. At one point he mentioned how he and his partner had gotten married in Toronto. After answering my question on how long they'd been together, he asked about me and I told him I was single. It's amazing how guys are always so shocked that I don't have and have never had a boyfriend and they always ask if I'm just not interested or if I'm really picky, neither of which is correct. Why do they always find it so hard to believe that I just can't find someone who wants to date me? But I had a good time and felt good about myself which is continuing a really nice pattern.

Tonights plans: My watch died so I need to get a new battery for that. I need to pick up milk and luncheon meat and stuff at the grocery store. Need to go home, toss in a load of laundry, and lay down for a nap! Actually, I could go for a little more sleep now. (Slept shitty last night)

Oh, and one question about ipods... What's the big thing about the Nano other than it's .1" smaller than the regular one? It also can only only 4 Gb of stuff vs. 30 or 60 Gb and can't do video. Somehow I'd think the extra .1" more than makes up for everything else.

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,

This year I've been busy!

Last Wenesday I ruled Asscrackistan as a kind and benevolent dictator (700 points). Last Saturday I gave change to a homeless guy (19 points). Last Friday I gave scottybear a life-saving blood transfusion (50 points). In March I didn't flush (-1 points). Last Tuesday wyndwyck and I robbed a bank (-50 points).

Overall, I've been nice (718 points). For Christmas I deserve a new bike!


I love my country! *eg* And no, I didn't change anything.

eq2, coh, icuii, ipod, meme, social, comedy club, movies, feeling good

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