Can't.... move!

Nov 29, 2005 09:25

I made it back to the gym this morning. Despite a session of waking up last night and not getting back to sleep for a while, I dragged my ass out of bed and got to the gym a little before 8. I got changed, did some crunches, hit the treadmill for a bit, used the Nautalis machines, went back to the treadmill for a few, and then collapsed down the stairs to the lockerroom. (OK, the last part is a hyperbole, but that's about how I felt.) Forgot the basic rule: Don't push too hard the first day back. I'm lucky I have a desk job so I can just sit today because my arms and legs won't want to cooperate well. Still, I did make it back and had a good workout. I need to get some pics tho to document my progress. Maybe I'll send myself and e-mail home to do it tonight. I'm just glad I could finally get something to eat as I never eat before my morning workout and my stomach was doing flip flops. I just want to get in better shape and feel better about myself. One friend suggested working on my chest as a current weak point. I'll be happy if I can get toned up a bit and lose some more of this fat. I've been hovering around 225-227# for a while. At least I'm better than I was and feeling a little better about myself. Still doesn't seem real that my stomach doesn't stick out as far as it used to.

weight, workout

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