Time to tuck in

Oct 06, 2005 00:21

OK. Time to head off to bed so a quick update. Still kinda blah but a little better. After getting my comics, I tried a little retail therapy. I picked up seasons 1 and 2 of Smallville (They were only $18.88 each), Drawn Together season 1 (saw ads for it but never got to see the show), and Amityville Horror to maybe watch Friday when John comes over. (He likes horror movies. Plus the hot guy from Blade: Trinity is in it too.) Gotta go back tho to exchange the razor head/screen replacement I picked up. Leave it to me to pick up the one 4000 series one misplaced with the 3000 series replacements. Watched the first DVD of Drawn Together while I cleaned the place some. The total sickness of the show lifted me up a little. Things are looking a lot better. Got more to do tomorrow but definitely got the main area looking better than it has in a while. Time to get some sleep tho. Wish I had someone to snuggle up next to tonight...

dvds, apartment

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