Weekend overview

Jul 25, 2005 08:42

Belated birthday to scifibear! Hope you had a good day.

Can't believe the weekend if over already. Spent a lot of time going through my closets and stuff and getting stuff for my mother's garage sale. Going to take that to her house tonight after work. I've got about 2 1/2 bags or so of clothes to take over plus a little miscellaneous stuff to add in too. Nice to have some room in the closets.

Played a little CoH here and there but not a whole lot. Played with the 9s last night and it was interesting doing Hess' task force since I had gotten sent to him by a contact but then he wouldn't talk to me. Though it was fun, the team was not a team last night. Everyone was going in whatever direction they wanted and as the only one on the team who could heal, it was hell trying to keep them all healthy and buffed. I even died once because of it. I was EXed down for the task force anyway and only had a little debt left at the end, but that's not the point.

I was a tad bit evil Saturday, both in person and on cam. I won't get into details, but a little fun was had. *eg* Still need to find someone to snuggle up with at night though. Oh, well. I guess I'll take what I can for now.

coh, sex, garage sale

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