Happy birthday to
colicub and
Belated happy birthday to
ljinsomnia, though I'm not sure if she even uses her journal any more.
The week is almost over. More than anything, I'm looking forward to tomorrow to be able to sleep in. I keep waking up and thinking that I've overslept only to find that it wasn't even time for the alarm to go off yet. Sometimes I'd have 10 minutes, sometime a half hour. I just haven't been able to sleep well though. May go to a friend's gathering tomorrow. Just hope it doesn't rain and isn't too hot. The temperatures lately have been rediculous. ICK! Long streaks of muggy 90+ degree weather is not what Buffalo is used to.
I've started going back and tagging posts just so I can find stuff easier when I want to. With over 2000 posts, I doubt I'll get to tag them all (sounds like Pokemon! Gotta tag 'em all!) but I'll see how far back I want to go. Should keep me out of trouble for a little while. :) But, off for breakfast and that last day of work for the week.