Nov 11, 2009 11:58
no s#!t, there I was.... near my local pub, parking my bandwagon (a Honda CR-V) and the space was behind what I can only call a HippieMobile.... a decrepit Volvo stationwagon flying (among others) a bumpersticker saying: Draft SUV Drivers First!
I decide to wait a few moments. Presently, a tie-dye+jeans man with snow-white hair in a ponytail appears and opens his car. I hop out and walk over to him.
me: excuse me, sir? I am the driver of the SUV behind you....
him: Mmmurph?
me: I would like you to know that nobody drafted me: I volunteered. (smiles happily)
him: (stares)
me: salutes the hippie and goes off to get a brew :)
remembering those alive, those dead, and those who served beside me.